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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Please say you're joking with the anonymous part

    Seriously who takes them seriously

    Well if I took them seriously then why would I be saying they are fake and lazy?

  2. Nope. Well the last thing you said was the conclusion to my conspiracy. They will file a new act and pass it through even if it is going to be slow.

  3. Indeed. Hitler burnt down the reichstag and pinned it on the communists because they had most of the seats and power at the time. So after it burnt down the reputation for the communists dwindled.

  4. 1943805_700b.jpg

    Nintendo, Sony and I think EA games stopped supporting SOPA. They're to afraid to lose too much money probably

    Nope, they reported that they are against it, but this is the actual list after that announcement was shown. Basically they don't want anyone knowing that more than 2.5billion people steal mario games of the web and the lose money from it. Nintendo Sad :C And well Sony blu-ray..... So much more money is lost in the process. Nike are against the interwebz D:

    If this so called pull out of EA, Nintendo and Sony is true ( well it is ) They are just scared about what anonymous can do to their fragile companies.

    - Conspiracy -

    So many will know I talk 100% bullshit whenever I get a chance to. ( Minky knows this ) Well...

    Anonymous - Government < Internet take down > Anonymous

    What if Anonymous was created by the government to give ' Us the people ' a sense of hope thinking that they are doing good fighting back?

    The government create this group to counter the progress to make people worry less, whilst the government gets a free ticket to increase internet security because of these ' DDOS attacks '. Stupid move. Attacking the internet will make the government pass the laws quicker to make sure the country.. ( Well USA ) is safer.

    Moving on to, Luke shut up you dickbiscuit this is complete bull why would the government DDOS attack themselves? Well the same reason they would create Anon.

    A new law that will bring down the internet - Anon get busy - Thus giving us hope - Leak some files that are not important ( To us forum people ) - Internet security gets buffed - Government ( fake ) panics making laws pass quicker. ( Even if it is hard to make laws go through congress quicker, shit happens if it needs to ) Obama is like I'm so black.... Yeah you are all terrorists and the internet is a threat to our country * brofist with Congress *

    - Conclusion -

    We could be made to think the opposite to what might be ( MIGHT BE ) Happening.

    Government - Anonymous

    Anonymous - Government.

    Fake attacks = False hope.

    You will notice the come down from the attacks and it will become quiet for a while.

    SOPA has been hyped and we all know it. Hyped for a good reason because it is rather serious, but don't put all your trust into Anonymous they tend to pussy out when shit gets serious. Drug cartel... Releasing files of reported members, but they got threatened then said... " Oh no what files? "

    This will be all bullshit to you lot, but at least be open to discussion and not deny it.

    Nukem the average conspiracist.

  5. 55 old men without a fucking clue what they are doing.

    Quote: " Shall we get people into this meeting that actually know what they are doing? "

    January 2nd Monday 2012 12:34PM.

  6. Wait Did you just say you didnt beleive me? Wait What?

    Mind Fuckery son. Read what I say with google translate.

    I simply said I don't think this is 100% correct, but it might be no one knows.

  7. How the hell can a player spawn mobs. It's a multiplayer game. Only the server can spawn mobs.

    Apparently you can now with the MobcrazeIamaragingkid Mod?

    I was going by what you said how we can't have client side mods running to be used on the Left4Green server side server.

    Clever kids.

  8. I accept your apology saying I have had to write one myself recently for being a twat to forum goers, but I am a very stubborn person as Minky will know and this isn't the truth in my eyes even if it might be the actual truth :)

    Again apology accepted dude we can all have annoying siblings at times -_-

  9. There is a mod called MobCrazee that lets you spawn any mob of your choice which its specific topic it is used for is griefing. Search it kid.

    Sorry Clavus for posting this.

    Please show evidence of something that sounds like complete bullshit to me. Without evidence Clavus, Darkpeen or Corby will just say no.

    Also make it sound more do able than something that cannot happen such as the spawning of mobs.


    Many people know me for the type of ranting at you people we should be calling kids. Before you come on the forums with this bullcrap think before you post something that will only get locked and never heard of again. By the way how you talk about others hacking on Minecraft I should be calling you a ' Kid ' Just face the fact that you got raided and stop crying about people hacking because we frankly couldn't give two forks about any of this.

    If you see me being a negative person well done read my members title.


    P.s grow up and act your age when it comes to reporting. Simple and respectful ban requests get listened to let alone ones with evidence.

  10. Sorry Clavus for posting this.

    Please show evidence of something that sounds like complete bullshit to me. Without evidence Clavus, Darkpeen or Corby will just say no.

    Also make it sound more do able than something that cannot happen such as the spawning of mobs.


  11. A dude with a voice bigger than his dick.

    Edit. Wez. Not Navo. Look at me using Penis insults. I must stop before I steep lower than himself.

    Navo. Well Navo is Navo.

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