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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. we started swimming in lava to get few things he dropped.

    that way I lost all my power.

    Lava is dangerous D: If ever caught on fire and near death warp straight home :) Also make a water pit near spawn in case it happens to put yourself out :)

  2. The enemies power has nothing to do with yours :)

    If you have two active people in your faction and the other is afk all the time each day power is lost from your total of 24. If your land is 26 and your power is 24 they can take 2 land chunks off you because you have more land than Power to keep it.

    If your inactive player goes on once a day then logs off it counts as playing for that day so you are safe. When you die your power will deduct by -2 resulting in your total power to become lower which may cause the loss of land from raiders. Recruit new players to gain more power thus giving you the option of claiming more land.

    This might be confusing, but I hoped it has helped :)

  3. The possible chance of joining a renowned faction on Left4Green can be proven to be hard, but with dedication to helping them and making yourself known it shall be easy to join. Just stick to making friends and also do not reply to people trying to cause banter by working you out of the base to kill you, just hold back and wait it out.

  4. When you start on the Left4Green server you are given ' Power '. Power use to be 10, but since the new updates Clavus lowered it to 8 because he though 10 was more than needed.

    Power... Your character/player has 8 power. The power decreases if you are not active daily and it also gets decreased when killed. To have a base you need 3 players that shall total to 24 power in total.

    Since someone might be inactive or you happen to die you have lost power which has resulted in a successful raid of your base. You also have Land/Power if you Land goes over power this means they can claim the land you own. I'm sorry to hear that you have been raided as it can become quite annoying when starting new and you are an easy target.

    To prevent this try and not attack back when new and just shut up the base and hide for the time being.

    P.s type ./f show to see your power levels and if they are over 9000 start to worry :')

  5. Just started to use the SCAR. The SCAR is very accurate from time to time with very good hip firing capabilities. TheLazyPeon and I have started playing again ( well Peon has just brought it ) and it seems to be going extremely well apart from the times I crash the jet into the floor -_-

    I shall wreak havoc with you men soon.

  6. Well Mozzie, maybe you should put some examples of forts you can build on your website. Then all these skeptics go like: omg I want one I want a real Mozzie-fort. But they're expensive, so only the rich crafters can afford to buy a real Mozzie-fort. The other poor bastards just have to fend for themselves.

    I shall settle with that :D

  7. Childish? I am just stating that your idea has many flaws and asking for GC or precious things is also stupid. Many people build bases to how they want them. Take Left4Green for example we build bases for fun and also to how we want them we don't want a nasty cobble stone base sitting covered in water with ' State-of-the-art defences and walls :D

  8. If they are all raiding which is rare without a base which they make as soon as they ' Get onto a new server or just join ' and if you don't want to build don't buy Minecraft :L!!

    Ok; example: FACTION has a small base, and can't be arsed to improve it. They are mining or raiding all the time. So, they contact us, and order a better, state-of-the-art fort. We build it, they pay us, everyone's happy! Except Corby, he's never happy. (No offence!)

    Then we go raid you whilst you are out :D Corby isn't happy with people at the minute because no one respects him on the server.

  9. Please may I buy one of these nice bungalows?


    • Wheel chair availabilities, Ramps and a nice paved drive way
    • Rails in the bathroom for easy access out and into the shower
    • 4 bathrooms, especially one in the living room and kitchen
    • 2 bedrooms and a study
    • I want Magnet to come and fit my kitchen I don't trust B&Q
    • Windows... So I can lick them.

    That is all :)

    P.s I think building the base is the main point of this game to be honest. What else is there to do apart from getting called a pussy for not coming out to PvP with a toddler?

    Its for people who dont habve time/dont want to build.

    Don't play Faction wars then...? If they don't have time to build they shouldn't have time to play MC :')

  10. Please may I buy one of these nice bungalows?


    • Wheel chair availabilities, Ramps and a nice paved drive way
    • Rails in the bathroom for easy access out and into the shower
    • 4 bathrooms, especially one in the living room and kitchen
    • 2 bedrooms and a study
    • I want Magnet to come and fit my kitchen I don't trust B&Q
    • Windows... So I can lick them.

    That is all :)

    P.s I think building the base is the main point of this game to be honest. What else is there to do apart from getting called a pussy for not coming out to PvP with a toddler?

  11. 1. Ingamename:romen194

    2. 15/2/2012

    3. i have been banned from minecraft.nl

    4. Clavus

    5. Using x-ray

    6. i Want you to unban me because i only was going to download x-ray mod but i didnt use it and i dont use mods in multiplayer because i know if i use it i get banned so i never had use it in minecraft.nl i hope this is enough for you and i hope u will unban me

    ....? The Server or Clavus obviously seen that you were or the ban wouldn't of happened :)

  12. KFC!

    Get 30 eggs for 500 GC and start your own KFC factory !

    Time for war!

    Includes 5 diamond swords 3 bows and 64 arrows for ?750? GC!

    High way to hell!

    Recieve 14 obsidian and a flint and steel 250 GC!

    These are my ideas hope you like them


    EDIT 2:

    Added 'Nuclear Option'. 4 whole stacks of TNT for whomever is crazy enough to buy it.

    I told you Shock120 was silly !

    Anyone willing to spend 250GC on something that takes 3.5 minutes to do yourself is stupid. Not saying High Way to Hell is a bad idea, but very wasteful.

    The only possible idea that could come from that is people quickly wanting to get into the nether. Diamonds are found in the first few minutes of game play or the first few seconds if you are an X-rayer so it has faults and good points :) +200 for the KFC Factory.

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