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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Yeah im ally with Corby :D

    And Corby im now in Dalton and BlackBird is disbanned, but i dont know of we (mrcoc and me) are going to create it again.

    Corby is now in L4G. Have a good day.

    Good day to you oogappeltje.

  2. Nukem: You should organize your Steam Library instead of having all that crap on your desktop. Add games to categories and add the nonsteam games as shortcuts and you'll get rid of a lot of those icons. You can also pin things to the start menu. I doubt you need to access your installation folders and files more than you need to access your music for example? Cleaning up the desktop makes it look so much better, and it doesn't take any effort at all.

    What you just said is what I had before. I had to reinstall windows lately, so I haven't really been bothered about sorting it out seeing as I have been using remote desktop for my college computer :)

  3. I thought this topic was about someone who askes a question, the next one answers it and then asks another one..

    Instead all I see is people discussing about the first question over and over...

    Plus, I dont see which is the latest question, so I guess I'll make a new one:

    What would happen if you were the USA's president?

    Republicans would whine because I'm not american.

    What would happen if Activision shut down?

    If Activision shut down Call of Duty wouldn't of been created and Battlefield sales would increase. The IQ's and tactical ways of thinking would increase in gaming giving gamers a better understanding of real warfare and the opportunities it offers to actually win a war instead of calling in dogs 24/7. Also Golden Eye 007 reloaded wouldn't of been developed.

    What would of happened if JF Kennedy wasn't shot?

  4. Then a day would last a year.

    What would happen if we got a second moon?

    earth is rotating at a speed of about 1100 miles per hour. If our planet suddenly stopped rotating the atmosphere would still be in motion at that speed. The atmosphere would be moving so fast it would literally pick up the land masses that are not anchored to bedrock, this would mean rocks, soil, trees, buildings, people and animals. All would be swept up into the atmosphere. Also one side of the earth will always be covered in darkness whilst the other is facing the sun.


    What if it slowly decreased speed? Would a non rotating earth be able to maintain it's atmosphere and magnetic field?

    As far as I know our magnetic field is caused by the earth's metallic core rotating (It has some weird witchcraft metal particles that generate our magnetic field), If that one stopped rotating as well, we would be fucked indeed.

    The atmosphere would stay here because gravity makes sure the air doesn't escape.

    EDIT: Lukenukem, check my edited post, may clear up things.

    The magnetic field of the Earth is generated by a dynamo effect that involves its rotation. If the Earth stopped rotating, the magnetic field would no longer be regenerated. There would be no more 'northern lights' and so would our protection from cosmic rays and other high-energy particles. Losing this protection would cause serious health issues to us and Hundy


  5. LukeNukem, what does that have to do with the 2nd moon?

    The tides would be fucking up and the earth's axis could shift.


    No one would give a fuck because being homosexual isn't supposed to be stupid/different/hate worthy.

    What would happen if the average youtube commenter got a rise in IQ.

    In relation to the first answer which was a reply to my own.

  6. Then a day would last a year.

    What would happen if we got a second moon?

    earth is rotating at a speed of about 1100 miles per hour. If our planet suddenly stopped rotating the atmosphere would still be in motion at that speed. The atmosphere would be moving so fast it would literally pick up the land masses that are not anchored to bedrock, this would mean rocks, soil, trees, buildings, people and animals. All would be swept up into the atmosphere. Also one side of the earth will always be covered in darkness whilst the other is facing the sun.


  7. Don't worry guys this is not going to be another wacky conspiracy thread... * sigh *

    The aim to this thread is just a general interest of mine and a thought I have been having lately. The game revolves around ' What would happen if? ' For example.... ' What would happen if we ran out of oil? '

    Once the person on the forums have thought of their ' What would happen if? ' question the person below must answer it with the most logical reason on how it would change or endanger everyday life and also how to combat the problem, but after they must also give their own question :). For example if oil did run out we as humans would look for other alternatives such as hydrogen power like we are doing now in case it does happen as quick as we think it will.

    So guys if there are any problems with understanding my ill English punctuation or grammar just PM me.

    Enjoy the game :D

    First Question: " What would happen if the world stopped spinning?"

    Silly question, but it's not a stupid one.

  8. Perhaps some form of exp based reward? I'm not a coder but I imagine you could tie some form of algorithm to that.

    When the GC economy is around, I want to start up a casino. I have ideas with pig races and chicken hustling and wolf fights.

    Wolf fights are prohibited. The Minecraftia Police Force will be raiding with their diamond batons and closing down that shoddy operation, but between you and me you're allowed to rig the slow machines if you slip me 10% profits.

  9. Lol...

    Disorder | Rating

    Paranoid: Very High

    Schizoid: Low

    Schizotypal: High

    Antisocial: High

    Borderline: Moderate

    Histrionic: Very High

    Narcissistic: High

    Avoidant: High

    Dependent: Moderate

    Obsessive-Compulsive: High


  10. Signed up. I am 18.... Shhhh....

    How old do I need to be to participate in a Guild Wars 2 Beta Event?

    You should be 18 years of age or older. If you are under 18 years of age, you must have a parent or legal guardian create your account and sign the NDA on your behalf.

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