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Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Completed both modes on my own, single player took me 5 hours with breaks of Minecraft and Facebook. Pretty impressed graphical wise. Glitching and lags not so... * Face Palm* Battle Field 3. The game made by money grabbing C***S!! In about 2 months EA will fuck the servers up like they did in the first day. Good luck fellow soldiers. Uprising had to be my Favorite mission, wasn't a big fan of the fighter jet mission, bit lame to be honest.

    Anyways this is my view of the game I guess people will disagree, it's just that they could at least sort their act out.


  2. I would rather be Chuck Norris's fist that hibernates under his beard through out the winter. Plus if I was his beard it would be uncomfortable to have a fist under me 0.o

    Would you rather lose the sense of sound , sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of sight or sense of taste?

  3. We shall see. The news is full of lies and a way of the government to control you mindless puppets. If anyone actually follows the government they need help, I take an interest in the news and the government just to see how much shit they feed us :L

    I will finish on a quote: When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

  4. Is it the fact we think things are bullshit or is that we are just not wanting things to happen so we call false to everything...? 100% is a bit of a laugh I think I should re post the face palm video. 100% is like saying there will never be conflict or a war between other countries, Jesus.

    Carrying on, I would just like to say Russia and China are trying to put a stop to NATO. -_-

    + Most of the History Russia did use to teach the young in the governmental schooling system corrupted the young during the Cold War. The Cold War was rather close to becoming an all out nuclear War, let alone the blue and red dice which luckily kept us here now. 1991 was the reason for the end of the Cold War as Soviet Russia collapsed. If The Cold War carried on then the Atomic bomb would of been used especially on Russia, as Russia wasn't very good at coming back with retaliation they would of been screwed over with the possibility of having radiated land for years to come. Wait... What does Russia have what America wants? It beings with O and has caused more death than it's worth. I see that everything happens in the world is for a reason. Americans reason = Greed and power to become the best. Russia = Also Greed and power. U.K = Rich and Power. Before any of this kicked off the U.K was one of the richest countries, but the recovery from WW1 and WW2 screwed us over meaning that Edward Heath the Prime Minister at the time made the U.K join the Commonwealth which killed us.

  5. To be honest if people are fighting over which game is better they really need to grow up. Yes Battle field is always going to be better graphical wise as COD is still running on a quake engine that makes the graphics only look better due the extreme shadowing. COD will be better as I call it the fashion statement game, oh all my friends have it I NEED IT NOW OTHERWISE I WILL NOT BE COOL!!! So they are just as bad as each other. Battlefield take to the skies and piss off everyone that are fighting on the ground. COD camp in corners and sponge 800 rocket launchers with low health. Guys just face the facts that both games have their own unique capabilities and just buy the one you want to play for christ sake. Also what TechnoNegro said, yes Battlefield was made on the Frostbite 2 engine developed for high-spec PC Gaming, whilst COD was developed on a PC games engine, but later developed for the Xbox. PS3 well no games have been mainly made for the PS3, but just converted.


  6. I would say that Russia and China would be the strongest allies by far. Then North Korea following behind with an extremely skilled air force that could easily dog fight with tactical maneuvers that would put the British Air Force to shame. Moving on from what a bunch of Koreans do in their spare time. I would just like to say China is growing stronger by the day as America becomes weaker. A new debt ceiling for America is being signed so that most of the American Debt is being sold to China. With this comes great consequences knowing that China want to become a world super power, this has just given them a bridge to walk over allowing them to easily take over when they see they see necessary. I know that if WW3 did happen to kick off we wouldn't be round for long and we might as well hand ourselves as no one and I mean NO ONE would want to live in times like people did in WW2 and WW1. My mother told me to stop being a twat and reading shit online ( Yes I go over the top ) But wait, Isn't it better to know what is going on around you or pretend everything is going to be fine and accept the lies your government are drip feeding you, Yes we know them as scare tactics. Anyway back to Russia the almighty Bear and China the awakening dragon blardy blar etc... Russia = Big Population China = Big Population and a lot of wealth not forgetting that they run and mostly contribute to the trading market and the rare materials market. With the population count it would be easy to gather soldiers for war, even though we know in Russia it's compulsorily that you have to join the army if you are not staying on for higher education, even after leave HE you still have to join up and serve for your country. Well China what can we say, massive population, then you the farmers. The farmers have always been known as the land bearers and also the second army. Equation: Farmers + Weapons of any sort, some random gear and a helmet + Marching to war = More men to fight. There has always been a saying that if you gathered all the able men and gave the correct gear, China could march around the world and conquer it even if it resulted in tonnes of blood shed.

    In the end we know that WW3 would be one of the most stupidest things to have happened in our time. The riots in London, psssh please they are just a random street fight to what will happen, Food shortages, mass panic buying, water shortages, electricity shortages we all know what the possibilities are so why do they do this to us? To make us live in fear? Or to control us and know that they have us wrapped round their fingers.

    I know this might not make any sense to you, but I am rather tired -_- My friend Dr. Minky and I are talking on Skype about as I have been feeding him some rather good information, even if he thinks I am talking bullshit 24/7 ( Which I am sometimes )


  7. Well where do I start? For a long time now we have been pondering on the idea of a marvel night with our fellow friends such as, Nomad_Outcast, Dr Minky and StuuxD. Tomorrow night we are about to put this plan into action, then spend countless hours watching films Stuart does not understand such as Thor. we came up with another Idea to bring a long another film but it had to be DC just to stir things up a bit and cause some arguments. Knowing Peon we are big Watchman fans so I will be putting them through a pain of watching something unknown to them for 2 hours, whilst we kick back and laugh at the fact the film talks truth about how our lives are today.

    Moving on... we made this thread to give you fellow forum goers a chance to get your voice heard and for you lot to discuss your favorite Marvel films of all time. It has been hard choosing our favorite Marvel film as there are so many with great CGI and awesome story lines, but don't forget them chair gripping fights scenes which make you want to be a super hero like them or a very lucky rich bugger that has a father that left him a legacy to become the worlds most powerful man ( In my eyes )

    So here goes nothing. Luke's favorite Marvel film would have to be Thor. The reason for my choice would be that it has great CGI and graphics when the opening scene brings up the realm of Asgard the home of Thor Odinson. Thor which is played by Chris Hemsworth is played really well. He allows his emotion to be heard through out the film and at times when it's needed most. He does this part justice, especially the fight scene when he goes down to Jotunheim to put the frost giants in their place as a way of making sure they know they had done wrong by breaking into the vault to steal the Frost artifact. Over all the film was worth paying for to see at the Imax and to buy on Blu-Ray. I would give this film a 10/10 for Scenery, acting and the fight scenes. Even though they could of been a few more.

    On another note 2012 is going to be the big year for Marvel films, Yes that it right folks The Avengers. The film that has all of the Marvel Heroes we could ask for, Captain American, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Loki, Nick Furry then the rest of the other people that just play their parts like Pepper Potts.. LOHL!!

    An update for Late 2011 and 2012 for new movie releases on DVD and Blu-Ray.

    X-men First Class - 2011

    Captain America: The First Avenger - 2012

    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - 2012

    Marvel's The Avengers - 2012 *fap, fap, fap, fap*

    The not very Amazing Spiderman..... Please... -_- - 2012

    So guys discuss away. Feel free to post videos of your favorite trailers to prove your devoting love to your chosen hero. Remember this is a no hate thread and comments will be removed that we think are off topic or inappropriate. Just have fun and respect others choices.

    Luke Nukem and TheLazyPeon <3

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