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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Okay this game we all love and share the same addiction of could of been fixed weeks ago. Well it could of been the fact Notch handed it over to Jeb which was like WTF!!! Now Notch is like your fault TROLL!! * works more on the new game called Scrolls * Why couldn't of he just worked on this with 3.5 million people playing it instead of a game with no players? JEEEEEEEEZ!!

  2. Guild Wars 2 ProdigalGuild - Class Information and Class Discussion.

    Hello fellow forum dwellers Luke Nukem here bringing some links for guys to look at so we can all choose out classes early to get one up on the game. CHOOSE WISELY!!

    A link for the Engineer Class - http://www.guildwars...sions/engineer/

    A link for the Thief Class - http://www.guildwars...fessions/thief/

    A link for the Guardian Class - http://www.guildwars...sions/guardian/

    A link for the Necromancer Class - http://www.guildwars...ns/necromancer/

    A link for the Ranger Class - http://www.guildwars...essions/ranger/

    A link for the Warrior Class - http://www.guildwars...ssions/warrior/

    A link for the Elemntalist Class - http://www.guildwars...s/elementalist/

    Above are the 6 Class links. I think it would be a good idea to find out who will be able to play well who will be getting the game and willing to join the ProdigalGuild. Then we will be able to create a list of players and their characters to see if we have a level guild for raiding etc.. in case we are all warriors... It might go a bit pear shaped if you get me :L

    Now as soon as you have picked your Profession it's time to choose what Race you are willing to enslave the profession upon and bring other players to their knees with it.

    A link for the Sylvari Race - http://www.guildwars.../races/sylvari/

    A link for the Norn Race - http://www.guildwars...ame/races/norn/

    A link for the Charr Race - http://www.guildwars...me/races/charr/

    A link for the Asura Race - http://www.guildwars...me/races/asura/

    A link for the Human Race - http://www.guildwars...me/races/human/

    Above are the 5 Race links. After you have picked your Profession and Race just pop it down bellow in a comment for this thread and I would be happy to see what the fellow members choices are.

    P.s Sorry for the big Thread it's my first time posting and I am new to the Left4Green Forums, Luke Nukem Peace. ( Also Contact TheLazyPeon or Dr Minky for more information about The ProdigalGuild.

    Remember we function as a guild, there is no I in team. We work together to prevail.

  3. Anything that involves people dying and also people firing weapons at people that are unarmed then resulting in them dying. LOL just random pieces of body parts scattering everywhere from a random bomb going off in a market district in the middle east or the USA under threat from a biological weapon making them shit themselves. My type of movies indeed.

    Getting serious:


    -Captain America

    -Iron Man 1 and 2

    -The Hulk

    -Taken ( Lee kicking mother fucking ass Neeson )




    - The Expendables

    -The Rock


    -National Treasure 1 and 2 ( soon to be 3 hopefully )

    -Crank 1 and 2

    My Favorite movies at this given point

    Hope this has helped dude.

  4. Dudes this is a message to everyone about tomorrows match, GOOD news even.

    I wish all the fellow players good luck and also my team known as ' Team 2 ' not that most need it, eh Clavus and Darkstar?( Not forgetting TheLazyPeon = Sexy )

    I hope that no hard feelings are felt to the teams that get owned or dominated.

    Well then see you all out on the Battle Field ( if it's Dust Bowl then it's Blood Bowl )


    Luke Nukem.

    P.s It's time to Stab backs and Chew bubble gum, but I am all out of gum.

  5. If the people that hate Ponies actually went and ridden one, there lives would be like WTF!!!. It's like when I went to work on Tuesday I couldn't ride my pony as it was getting its MOT so I had to walk it didn't feel the same :/ P.s No need to go to the petrol station... give it carrots.

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