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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Minecraft has never been seen as a donating boosting game such as TF2 as TF2 is far easier to mod for your own specific Server ( From previous experiences in College ) So for you benefit it would be ideal to start playing the Left4Green TF2 servers with me and the boys that are long pledged TF2 Veterans

    TF2 IS FREE! So what could go wrong? ;') Just an Idea Wez you don't need to stop playing in the Lego block World because you can only use Green Coins on the GrandTheftAuto racing Mod or the TF2 Server :)

    Luke Nukem.

  2. If you are just donating to get your voice heard it wouldn't really help. But on the other hand it would help Clavus out BIGTIME as it can go towards the monthly bill. Donating allows you to get green coins which allow you to buy power ups for your Steam profile on Teamfrotress 2 on the Left4Green servers. The upgrades are such things as a quicker ubercharge, being able to carry 5 Jarates etc...

    Moving on... Just look through the other threads to see if their is any other information or just send Clavus a personal message.

    Luke Nukem.

  3. Dude no one is actually bothered about this thread you have posted and there was no need to create a new one. Simply just state what you want to say in the server discussion thread and carry on moaning and boasting about how good you are at pod casting and defeating other on a different server.

    Just Simply tell people that no one can join, also the whole base thing anyone can get in without being caught fly hacking so good luck.

    This is not a hate message but a warning from me about others that are only going to say the same about moving it or this being pointless in a new thread.

    Peace, good luck on the server.

  4. I like the whole idea of a community map. Community maps consist of set faction which the players create and the area which the community hub is in has nether gates which teleport to and from the Community Hub allowing players to trade and also buy items for their builds. The downside to the whole Community hub would be that only your faction should be allowed to go through your gate, which concerns me knowing that it can be abused ( Oh yeah is there any way of privatizing the Portals? )

    Moving on, with the trading idea come many advantages and some disadvantages.


    1, Allowing fellow members of the server to build trust bonds with others.

    2, Using the money from the items you sell or the money given to you wisely to make the base you have built to it's highest possible standard.

    3, Maybe with the whole Green Coins idea the biggest items can be purchased for the simplest amount of GC such as a 32 diamonds for 20 GC etc.. ( Just an idea and for other diamond items etc.. )

    4, People will learn to get better at the possibility of trading those crucial items wisely and giving them better trading and bartering skills for life on the server.


    1, Again with the whole Portal Gates people could mess with the system and use the portals to get into bases if it's not protected properly ( Can be the players fault or if you have no plug-ins that do not allow you to privatize your portal )

    2, Lots of bitching from people claiming they have been ripped off from deals they have done ( But with the Prodiguild we might have come up with an idea to solve that whole problem )


    4, People cheating the system with ore hacks and random glitches with Toomanyitems spawning in items and Butt F'ing the system making too much money from it.


    Even though there are some serious points about this idea I would also like to point out that this would or could bring harmony across the server especially from many hangbagging about how good they are power wise and if they can use a TNT cannon.... * sigh * Maybe it's time for a change about separating the rich from the poor and making Power a thing of the past. Just like our Governments that lead or slowly dying countries.

    Anyway just an idea...

    Luke Nukem.

  5. 1. Real name and age?

    Luke James St.Denis, 16 years of age and also 17 in 6 months.

    2. Where do you live?

    England, Leicestershire. I live in the same town as TheLazyPeon and Dr Minky.

    3. Previous experience with communities and boards?

    Well I am apart of the nationalgamersleague on GameFAQS which is basically a get together on the forums to talk about recent game updates such as BFBC2 and Minecraft 1.8 - 1.9. I am also apart of the Charnwood Youth Council working within the Press and Publicity team which helps give a voice through the tabloids for the youth of Charnwood and also to get our recent news of the Council into the local paper called the Loughborough Echo and also to update the Charnwoodborough Council official website. I have recently become an admin of a Local Server that is run by some of my mates from Loughborough College and it is also apart of their course, so I am helping them on the newly refreshed economy server when it's updated.

    4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job)

    Recently just started work down in a small town called Kegworth on the Shotgun range. Mainly consists of Locking and pulling plus fuck loads of baggage carrying. Great experiance when the competitions are on with all of the clay pulling and watching old farts have spaz due to not taking their medication.

    5. Go to school? If yes, studying what?

    I go to Loughborough College and I am studying Level 3 Extended Diploma for IT practitioners. Which involves programming and Networking also involving System basses.

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words.

    Conspiracy Nut Case.

    7. Anything else you wanna tell us?

    I like to take part in formal and informal discussions about how our lives are affected by the way our government leads our country. Over the years I have become more incline with the way we live and how we go about doing things that affect us or affect others. I read a lot of conspiracy's day in day out believing in some and saying hog shit to many, but in the end I think my whole life is a conspiracy Just as TheLazyPeon says: Luke you just think your whole life is a Conspiracy.

    I am a top contributor and reader for the BBCNews which allows me to Laugh at the bullcrap they feed us everyday just to make us feel like we have someone to listen to or just an easier way to brain wash us as some have feeble minds to let it happen. If you are interested in this whole sort of topic I am open to discussions through my email at [email protected] and also on here on my page.

    Anyway in conclusion to my personal life I am a Conspiracy lover rugby player :D

    drunk-irishman1.jpgThis is me Enjoy :D *hic*

  6. Basically he thought he could be a big man and think that his clan on Faction Wars was superior. Following on from his most gracious immature comments he tried thinking he could over throw the Prodiguild A.k.a reformed boasters ourselves from Wezrines point of view sadly. The simple fact was he hated us as we have some sort of bonding with you admins as we know fellow greenies * Peon and a slight mutual bond with Darkstar through TF2 * which makes us look like we are friends making him feel left out and unwelcome which made him get angry and start raging like an immature little boy he obviously is.

    In conclusion he felt left out, so he raged and tried acting hard to gain attention like a baby chucking its toys out of the pram as we brits like to put it.

    Sorry for the problem we have caused for you Clavus on behalf of me and the fellow member of the ' Prodiguild '

    For further issues please email me on [email protected] or Dr.Minky at [email protected]


  7. HATERS GUNNA HATE!! I made it pink for you because you are a fairy Sir. Xsissel maybe if you didn't go round thinking you were big on Faction wars and giving the good old big talk on the forums we might have been a bit more nicer to you. After all we hate people that big themselves up especially people like you. So before you waste any more of your precious Minecrafting time writing immature stuff on here don't bother. "

    "you fuckers can all fuck off" Best come back EU! Very immature.

    Luke Nukem, Peace.

  8. Well as our main leader Loubatron banned himself like a BOSS I took it upon myself to build something that has cheered me up and made others on the server laugh. This is serious.... It might be a penis, but it sure is a serious one ladies and jellymen

    Name of Building: Dungeons and Penis's

    My name: LukeSTD95

    Or coords:

    x= 257

    y= 81

    z= 359

    Also a quick bit of information my base at the back as been grifed by other players with nertherack and they have burned all my wool.



  9. Wez likes to boast when I fucking clearly told him that we are no different to anyone else on the server. Quote: Wez do not go round claiming that we are best, when clearly we are not " Later following this discussion he had already gone and posted this thread which wasn't really needed on our behalf as for one Dr Minky has been rarely playing due to course work and I wel.... I just mong about mining shit for 7 hours straight. So stop being a bunch of knobs and thinking that you are all cocky when clearly you only hide behind an admin shroud. GROW UP!

  10. Just a quick quote from the ex leader, which I passed down to Dr. Minky back on the last map. I am willingly only doing the building contest for fun not for a prize. I would rather people enjoy it then people try harding for a prize :) Just enjoy it and have fun. May the night mother guide you.

    Luke nukem, Peace.

  11. Hi guys Luke Nukem here bringing you all of the new top of the charts music straight from my home studio. Moving on.... A request from a person we all know and love Dr Minky. This one is called, Being an awesome Minecraft admin by The Red hot Notchpeppers. *music starts playing* ---advert----> Are you looking for a MInecraft admin that doesn't go off online for about 2 weeks due to their crappy internet connection? An admin that doesn't take shit from mardy little bitches hacking? Or an admin that drinks coffee whilst looking down upon small orphans? Not to worry Dr Minky is your man! Call 01509 6782465 NOW!!! for your chance to get a free admin this season.

    Well he is an awesome dude and very hardworking for me and the team. I would like to give him a 5/5 credit rating for the Royal bank of Scotland.

    Vote Luke Nukem for President 2012.


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