1. Real name and age? My real name is Jim Papanikolaou and I'm 14 years old. My nick in real life is actually Jimmy, but sometimes they call me Messy. 2. Where do you live? I live in Greece, in the second biggest city of my country, Thessaloniki. 3. Previous experience with communities and boards? Well I had been playing RP for a bit, especially Starship Troopers RP. After ST RP I joined M community (now it doesn't exist) and when I joined they renamed it to MMS (Martin and Messy's) After the MMS was destroyed, I joined for first Mr. Green ZS. Then I joined Infected Wars, which I loved and played for 2 years. I had most hours and kills there, but I wasn't the best player, but one of the top 10. Now I play KotH and Arena on Mr. Green TF2. 4. What do you do for a living? (e.g. what's your job) I play football, I am a teen player of Aris's FC academy and I play as an Attacking MiddleFielder (AMF) and I prefer right side. My dream is to become a footballer. Well, I have the talent 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? I just go to secondary school. If my dream doesn't succed, I'll maybe become a chemist or a doctor... Dunno yet. 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? Fast, Friendly, Infected-Wars-Lover-For-Ever 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Hmm yea... I'm left handed. Right minded people kick ass (I want lefty mode on Tf2.. doh. Also, I collect pyro hats and weapons on Tf2 I've got 9 pyro hats and all pyro weapons atm. Finally, my purple kinky brigade helm kicks ass <3