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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r

  1. Reap3r

    Day Z

    They see me strollin, thru the forums: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9123 Forum Hack guy got caught http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=11791 Rocket rages about SP
  2. Ubisoft is gonna make a Ghost Recon FIlm! woohoohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-wAzlqzXH0

  3. humble indie is ending in a hour, your last chancehttp://www.humblebundle.com/:

    1. TechnoNegro
    2. Reiska


      vittu mikä jätkä

  4. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Thou it is quite funny you are the ONLY ONE having those problems. Clavus told me not to give advice when i don't know anything about it, but either flush your DNS, try connecting on a another desktop, try connecting to regular arma 2 games: if all these problems still persists, go to BIS forums and ask for help.
  5. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Ask massi lol, not me
  6. Reap3r

    Day Z

    well guys, sad news. MrZunz spawned in the oceaan but he got it fixed by Vipeax(dev) So i went to get him, on my way i bumped against a wall which made my wheels unusable, so massi went for me with the ATV with some wheels, he repaired it, and has gone home, I have gone to the factory to get us some new wheels, unfortunately massi got under attack and got stuck at a barricade so he aborted. I went there and i saw the devious thief trying to drive the thing, was breathing loudly so couldn't aim for 5 secs, result: he went full speed 95KM on the fuel station asphalted road. tried 5 shots to hit his body, fail. 1 shot at quad, a fucking mini-nuke exploded and lots of smoke, needless to say, body despawned quite fast since i was in the distance. We lost our 2 m107, our m24, mags for both weapons=super rare and some mountain dew. It was quite a loss, yes. But we learned of that. WE LEARNED THAT WE CAN TAKE EVERYTHING DOWN WITH MY M107 THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! Was quite similiar like this: End Result: Massi unconcious:
  7. Reap3r

    Day Z

    For the people who are laggy: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1355 noticed a increase in FPS. On other hand, if your in FR2 and reading this, we need one more person for a NW airfield raid. Anyone interested? Come to TS then. Ofcourse how more how merrier.
  8. Reap3r

    Day Z

    ask in IRC to someone named Rajkosto or something, he fixed it for me, so he should fix it for you too, or ask for any other dev, like vipeax on the forums of tweakers/dayzmod.
  9. Reap3r

    Day Z

    hmmm that is true then, for you guys then, im just gonna be overwatchin just saved nightfreeze from being stuck on debug plains, with help of GPS i managed to find him on the edge of the map. Picked him up with the motorcycle like a baws and returned, we have now another GPS for who ever wants it, a 3 spare m107 and around 3-5 mags of it. took me 3 jerry cans to get from base to edge to base. some pictures:
  10. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Wait so you got in FR2, while you were BETA? Yes. DayZ 1.7.0 is compatible with the beta, and it's backwards compatible with standard 1.60 servers. Hmm that's good then, what to do if i don't have a beta folder in my expansions?
  11. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Wait so you got in FR2, while you were BETA? Also: Proof: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10353&page=44
  12. Reap3r

    Day Z

    So long FR2 isn't beta we should not try patching ourselfs up. the next update of DayZ will increase perfomance and there will be less desyncs and lag, so lets keep the arma 2 OA at default. Today I found 2 ATVs and 1 tractor. all hudled together probably a base. anyway after going back to the south and gathering massi and zunz we went doing a trip with the car, found back the 2 ATV and tractor, moved all items from tractor to ATVs and get the fuck out. Somehow i scrolled and saw someone 18KM away lol anyway we have 3 ATVs now, 1 motorcycle, 2 UAZ, 1 volga, 1 lada. if were getting the chopper, we should relocate our base. also:
  13. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Yeah, gotta hope tomorrow is gonna be good, imma be camping at krashnostav nonstop
  14. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Yeah it's the Barrett M107, anti-material rifle. got one clip: 10 shots of deadliness. I also putted my coyote back in the car since m107 takes backpack slot, so guys don't take the Coyote that's in the UAZ pl0x mah backup rifle is in there
  15. Reap3r

    Day Z

  16. Reap3r

    Day Z

    sorry :< Anyways, baked my gpu, it will last for some more weeks, but sadly guys, i have to give you some sad news: *img* Got an m249SAW. Prepare your anusses. Doesn't that ghillie suit cause you to spawn to ocean? Or do you take it always off before disconnecting? And LMG isn't really good weapon against players (unless you get to rather close range and they haven't spotted you), I still think rifle's with good aim are better You do spawn in the ocean but a developer can fix it for you. Although the IRC says if you run alot and be on for quite a long time it doesn't happen
  17. Reap3r

    Day Z

    sorry :< Anyways, baked my gpu, it will last for some more weeks, but sadly guys, i have to give you some sad news: Got an m249SAW. Prepare your anusses.
  18. got invited for a ESL CS:S Surf team, needless to say, rejected it because im not playing CS:S anymore. Would have been fun if they invited me half a year ago.

  19. Reap3r

    Day Z

    hmm, try disabling firewall then? It also could be ArmA2Free but i doubt it. What you also could try is to reinstall battle eye or you could check your router settings, maybe you need open nat, anyway don't have experience on the subject so can't really give good advice.
  20. Reap3r

    Day Z

    what you could try, is running windows in safe mode with netwerk enabled, then try it out. There are alot of things that can be interferring with arma 2, so please list your computer specifications too.
  21. Reap3r

    Day Z

    You need operation arrowhead too. We found an ATV(QUAD)and also location of motorcycle. so in total we have 4 vehicles in total!
  22. Reap3r

    Day Z

    My character is quite happy Massi is quite sad though Found some EXTREMELY RARE mountain dew though
  23. How to get your cat off the iPad:http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/funny-gifs-how-to-get-your-cat-off-the-ipad.gif

  24. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Well, after some waiting, i finally got out of cherno. After i got an char reset i ended up in middle of cherno. Had to go run towards north, but i ended up getting sprayed by MP5, luckily i got out unscratched and no shock! after switching 5 servers and finding bandages I ended up in appartment(see above), after another few server switches i looted the hospital and have alot of supplies for our army. anyway it started raining heavily This is from close up, try seeing me from 100m after getting lost abit and finding a M9SD, i ended up in stary sobor and got into that barn to the right So....Hey i just met you, and this is crazy, but heres my location, so save me maybe?
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