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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r

  1. If nothing else, the "You most definitely are a minor" part did it for me. Hmm seeing it back, yes it might have been a argument. We were not having an argument whether one is a kid or not though, also a day without an argument is like an egg without salt.
  2. First thing, I aint no kid mate, was joking about that shit. Also, taking drugs is bad and not cool, the fact that you smoke weed and drinking isnt cool too but if you compare taking drugs with drinking and smoking weed, taking drugs is just way more serious, I rather drink and smoke weed than taking drugs. Ahem, like baron said, weed is a drug, your 14 and you don't know that? Second, Kid=Child: Wikipedia:"The legal definition of "child" generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority." You are most definitely a minor. The two of you having an argument about whether one is a kid or not does not promote the maturity of neither. Bonus points for talking about coolness of weed. Have you read the actual posts? Would love to see the part where Rui and I were actually argument about whether one is a kid or not. Neither were we talking about the coolness of weed. You sir, are most certainly a troll.
  3. First thing, I aint no kid mate, was joking about that shit. Also, taking drugs is bad and not cool, the fact that you smoke weed and drinking isnt cool too but if you compare taking drugs with drinking and smoking weed, taking drugs is just way more serious, I rather drink and smoke weed than taking drugs. Ahem, like baron said, weed is a drug, your 14 and you don't know that? Second, Kid=Child: Wikipedia:"The legal definition of "child" generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority." You are most definitely a minor.
  4. Kids nowadays, thinking smoking weed and drinking is cool...
  5. What are you smoking dude?
  6. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Up to you guys, I did not notice any difference, only more bugs than 1.6 Edit: For people having glitches/bugs/fps issues: "while in game type: left shift and hold it, then hit the top right minus key - then let go of shift and the minus key. then type the word flush. will flush your vram in game and help when things get bogged down to some extent."
  7. Reap3r

    Day Z

    This might be true but haven't happened to me yet. Ill stroll the forums for it later. The so-called "bandit" system is being removed. No, you're just making sure he doesn't get a chance to kill you. You're surviving. Also, am I the only one who can only connect during the morning? I try at midday and it just gets stuck at Receiving Data, unlike at the morning where the maximum connecting time is like 2 mins. Your the only one, probably something with your PC or Internet/Router/Modem/Provider. Twiddla is best thing as we all can see stuff being drawn in our overlay Even though im always alone there Edit: Also, i think we should change our main server to a server with Vehicles.
  8. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Okay, after all you grenners left me alone, i kept killing myself until i respawned at cherno, from there I got to hospital and medical tents who were near hospital/factory. Now i have a M4A3 CCO, 10 blood bags so no more blood issues, and a m1911 with a alice pack. Bitches im back. Edit: Just googled, seems it can be only found in Military barracks=LUCKY. http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=M4A3_CCO All you dead fags, try go to cherno until you find medical tents with blood bags and other shit, the good shit is there!
  9. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Well today we had a horrible experience, but I blame it all on 1.7. We should have stayed at 1.6, nuff said.
  10. Reap3r

    Day Z

  11. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Black Squad are not bandits, they are just murderers.
  12. Reap3r

    Day Z

    oh god the teamspeak "Don't listen to them" "I have played arma" "You think you have but you haven't." "Im gonna quit DayZ because it doesn't load" "You can't quit dayz because of that, that's like quitting basketball because the ball bounces." Join for moar.
  13. Reap3r

    Day Z

    But im still not kinda sure about FR2, Just saw a clan of 9 people connect to FR2 lol.
  14. Reap3r

    Day Z

    I vote for FR2
  15. Reap3r

    Day Z

    around 10 or so. Not sure. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9196 Also ive been thinking of putting two squads in. Squad Green: The squad that strolls thru towns, gets supplies and tents for the camp Squad Black: Highly Dangerous Mercenary Squad that follows the black thorny road through deer huts, cities and Airfields. People will die here easily. This can also be referred as the Bandit Squad.
  16. Reap3r

    Day Z

    It is zeh beta, so stroll the forums for it.
  17. Reap3r

    Day Z

    1.7 is sort of beta. brought many bugs as dissappearing magazines and shit. So i suggest you wait until it's official.
  18. Reap3r

    Day Z

  19. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Only found Camo so far Edit: Found m107 rounds, anyone got a m107 which i can lend? http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=M107
  20. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Spawned near coast and clavus too it seems. I suggest we must meet all up and then go for stary sobor and then for the infamous NW Airfield. Lets gather the L4G Army.
  21. I see dead people everywhere

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Weo


      tell me when you see naked women

    3. Reiska


      weo there are couple of naked woman there on my backyard too

    4. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Why do you keep them on your backyard at summer? They'll get spoiled.

  22. Reap3r

    Day Z

    It is more like ARMA 2:Free wasn't supposed to be included, but somehow it works. Also if your gonna use Arma2:Free you better purchase from Sprocket. Edit: Theres a chance that ARMA 2:Free is not gonna work with DayZ later versions.
  23. Reap3r

    Day Z

    First I was like 'wait what' but yeah it seems they already made a limited release: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9196 Well first off we can't say the exact position in this topic, since it's public. Secondly, we'll have to pick a server as our 'main base', since tents and vehicles are persistent on a single server. FR2 is looking pretty good in that respect. Thirdly, the position has to be easy to find for us, but hard to find for random players. Problem is it is full during the day and kinda takes 15m-30m to get in(lucky bastards takes 1m) Also best place to setup a camp would be like west of Lopatino(?) that is like west of airfield. We could pitch the tents near bushes/pine trees and we can easily loot the airfield and quickly return the loot to the tents. we can also try North of Petrorevka as almost nobody comes there and yet it is close too, if we manage to get some vehicles then were all set and distance wont matter. Also we may have people, but you guys are kinda new so i suggest until you have learned to navigate, to get decent primary's ,to be stealth like splinter cell and to do your role in advanced operations of airfields, i suggest you stay with other new people Edit: Sorry if i was rude.
  24. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Hmm does CryTek support 225KM2 maps? or 128 player slots?
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