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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r

  1. I did rate yours.
  2. 7/10 don't like instrumentals much, would be better if he kicked in some good vocals. Also he looks abit high. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN2tpJgKCeM Fuck the english song, japan ftw.
  3. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Just message me when you need me, ill be near stary sobor, killing innocent players
  4. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Fake, how do we know his name is beagle? Second, the server saves every minute or so, so it should have saved him while he was alive Third, if it was really him, it would just stand or do the same action.
  5. Reap3r

    Day Z

    shotties eh, but hadn't you guys found a m4a3 CCO and Remington? Edit1: Had thou waited around the barracks thou could ambushed cleaned those filth.
    1. Reap3r


      Will entry too, if i win ill probably make an lottery here :P

  6. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Oh the cowardice! Clavus and I woulda just killed them for making such an uproar in the airfield, how dare they. Remember, hunting players is 100x more exciting and dynamic than dodging zombies in a city to get a can of food It's a calculated risk that gives you an adrenaline rush due to the possible consequence of loosing everything in a matter of seconds in case you screw up and what is more time efficient, crawling through NW airfield/elektro/stary etc.. taking all the risks while being exposed spending several hours to find the best gear while facing many perils... or shooting someone and their friends from a distance and collecting hours of hard work in minutes. Hunting dangerous game (players) is thrilling and rewarding. Why repair and fuel a car / helicopter when you can tail / steal it, with significantly less effort. Btw, you guys can pick me up in stary sobor later if ya want, then we can do some tactics(In before silence killing, ambushing, tailing people and getting alot of richness.)
  7. Decided to learn Java.....tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darkstar


      public void static main(){} everywhere.

    3. Raptor


      Yeah, but why specifically Java. Just wondering, as I am a coder novice too :)

    4. Balmung


      Javas Fun. But not as fun as Python

  8. Reap3r

    Day Z

    About the temperature System: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7483 Also, Inventory for newbs: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=785 Edit1:Also somebody give me blood trans in stary ;( don't feel safe with 4000 blood Edit2:With Arma 2 beta patch 93398 the side channel is completely removed. The only channels are now direct, group, or vehicle chat. The game will most likely be changing soon.
  9. Hmm might go to E3 perhaps, YOLO.
  10. Is valve going present Global Offensive to E3?
  11. Reap3r

    Day Z

    We are still too far from each other Plus i have around 4k blood, an RARE mp5SD, an Very Rare M9SD lol basically most people will just hunt me, so ill just wait until some of you guys pass Stary lol
  12. It's only 1$ Also Amnesia, Limbo
  13. Reap3r

    Day Z

    We need someone with a soundboard like that, invisible name and direct communications Then we need to find a victim btw, ill be in stary sobor if you need me.
  14. The new Humble Indie Bundle V is out! http://www.humblebundle.com/ The Humble Indie Bundle V Five incredible, best-selling games. Humble Indie Bundle V features five modern masterpieces and their soundtracks. Experience the fear and paranoia of Amnesia: The Dark Descent; the intensity and impact of LIMBO; the zany characters of Psychonauts; the future-retro, audiovisual concoction of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP; and, for customers who pay more than the average price, the exquisitely crafted action-RPG, Bastion. Pay what you want. If you bought all these games and soundtracks separately, it would cost around $110. But we are letting you set the price! The games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux You can support charity. Choose how your purchase is divided: between the developers, the Child's Play Charity, or the Electronic Frontier Foundation. And if you like this deal, a tip to Humble Bundle would be much appreciated! Unlock on Steam. Pay $1 or more and you’ll get a Steam key in addition to DRM-free direct downloads.
  15. Reap3r

    Dark Souls

    hmm thinking about buying it, just hoping hardcore mode can be played on first try
  16. Bought the Humble Bundle, this time its damn worth it!

    1. FishWithAHat


      Say that after you cry in a corner after playing Amnesia

    2. Reap3r


      Finished it already, was pirated thou, wonder if legal version has moar

  17. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Noo handsome squidward!
  18. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Running ARMA2 fantastic EVERYWHERE including cities and high dangerous PVP zones with: AMD phenom II x2 555 Nvidia 9800GT and 4GB Ram Either, you guys need to do some tweaking, upgrade to the 1.7 patch, abort go back to server lobby and let the things reload again or you need to choose different servers That is the fix for it. Also maybe it's different for Ghillie Suits or some characters are just bugged out Asfor the ocean bug.
  19. Reap3r

    Day Z

  20. Just playing DayZ, wish more people were here :P

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. rui_troia


      Reap3r, give me 5 reasons to buy Arma 2.

    3. Mathijs1996


      Rui, wait till ARMA 3 comes out. Since you obviously aren't jumping to play the game mode :)

    4. Reap3r
  21. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Same running 1.7 here, GOT M9SD SO I FORGIVE YOU MY ZUNZ
  22. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Did not do for me but oh well Zunz just friendly fired me :> In Memory Of: R.I.P
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