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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r

  1. sup
  2. I would love a GC shop where you can buy skins/weaponskins or even weapons. With kind regards, Goldon Fleeman
  3. I see Cyrillic on your desktop, russian?
  4. nothing much.
  5. Okay, first what are you trying to start? Second, try to uninstall it and try to get JDK. Third if it still blocks you, try disabling UAC and every freakin thing that is cockblocking your java.
  6. You launched the app as admin?
  7. disable firewall.
  8. Get java7
  9. I support this, this would be good for a lot of people who want to be a game-developer.
  10. Ill give you a week.
  11. That's why i made a poll on the thread but clavus removed it after he changed 33tick
  12. I request more admins for CS:S surf, VMR is the only admin there, and the only admin can't see everything that happens, i recently got telecamped, but VMR banned an other telecamper...so of course he didn't see it and it was like it didn't happen for him, while it actually did. Many players break the rules when the admins are gone, while they're nice doggies when the admins are watching...very and very frustrating. Also the Admin Application gets processed very slowly, like a snail, last time you processed admin application was like 2 months ago...and if i look at the admin processed list i can see that after Feb 20, you stopped processing. And that while the server desperately needs an admin...I asked Ywa once about it and he said: Soon. I mean come on, your losing a trusty and worthy player base at CS:S. You can say: Oh but you can use !report... But then the damage has already been dealt and the offender will probably stop when the admin is watching. I ask you, as a regular player(top1, lulz im a showoff) on the surf server, please promote more admins.
  13. Yes, but we are not most surf servers, we are mr.green. We are
  14. Server never got even full at 66tick i think lol, maybe in beginning...
  15. Heres a tip, i do not speak, second use more voice actors.
  16. It needs some refining, but its okay for a beginner
  17. Ragnarok Conflict was alright at beginning it was always populated but now it seems to be empty alot of times.
  18. Want to quote this one more time. When the update struck and that retarded 66tick was forced on MrGreen Surf, everybody complained. Complained about how easy everything was, how some maps turned hard because you were simply going too fast, how annoying it was in general. Hell, even the noobs complained. Why did they complain? Because 66tick is fucking retarded when it comes to surf. Now, complains rise again, this time because Clavus changed to 33tick. My point is, that the people who are complaining about this now, are used to it in one week, two at the most. And when it comes to terminator calling us "uptight assholes", how would you like if we came and tried to fuck up your favorite game(-mode) without knowing anything about it. This.
  19. Why is it a change for the worse? How is playing maps on settings they are made for "a change for worse"? And I have yet to see one good argument for why the server should be 66tick, exept for "its too hard for me!" Of course, we here are not players, our opinions dont count, right? We've only played in the server since what, 2009? Dozens of hours, thats cool. I guess you have spent your dozens of surfing hours in a 66tick server(maybe you even started surfing after there were no 33tick servers), and not even once have you bothered to try 33tick, and if you have I guess you just thought it sucks since the surfing wasnt fast enough for you. During the 400 hours I have spent in Mrgreen Surf server, I have never EVER encoutered a problem with hit registeration, not even once. This, plus i have never seen Terminator on the Mr.Green Surf server, so i think hes licking the crews butt.
  20. « Crew Clavus: Are YOU retarded? » Edit:Im very retarded, problem?
  21. Indeed, like nobana said It's bullshit that only VMR decides. For second, what regulars? I only see noobs complaining it's so hard to surf and always are in jail. The only thing that was not good was the bhop, that's the only thing that wouldn't register good, everything else was fine. Edit:Everything is now how it was before, still too easy.
  22. Not really nerfing the engine, since the tickrate of the server was that in the beginning of mr.green surf. Also, since its a lower tickrate, everyones ping has lowered and perfomance has been higher, i think this is good, maybe if clavus added sv_enablebunnyhopping 1 might resolve bunnyhoppin issues.
  23. It's more like you need more skill to surf properly. It's not like LOLOLOLO LOOK AT ME IM FLYING SKY HIGH
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