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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Well i was in your TS channel when you were getting killed, attacked by the chopper and other stuff and i must say, sound quite good but Clavus, man up and shoot the choppa'! There is no sence in staying hidden, that wont deal with the big flying thing. But im must say, its a sad thing to die in that game...

  2. Soooooo... just something I feel like saying

    Mathijs acused Juan for hacking, not the whole faction, unless your one of the said alts (as far as I can read) so why not let Juan do the defending?

    And another thing, not to be a bitch but please, can we have some evidence, that is after all normaly what decides the outcome.

    (just MY thoughts)

    Juan is indeed the accussed. But he is the leader of LRG and his image reflects upon the whole faction. I also would like to see proof that we are hacking.

    Juan, Juan. And since i've seen him on this forum, why cant he reply?

  3. Soooooo... just something I feel like saying

    Mathijs acused Juan for hacking, not the whole faction, unless your one of the said alts (as far as I can read) so why not let Juan do the defending?

    And another thing, not to be a bitch but please, can we have some evidence, that is after all normaly what decides the outcome.

    (just MY thoughts)

  4. I have the feeling that this forum isnt ready for a picture of me

    are you a gentleman fish? :D

    No... maybe... The only pictures i have right now is imbaresing/weird/ill get banned for them

  5. But there arent any players anyway, so why would they NEED more admins?

    Its a pointless discussion, just try and come up with ways to make the server better and bring in more players and THEN people can complain about admins when there is actually a server to maintain...

    Sure, I agree.

    Stop it with more admins idea, we're friends with each other and when a hacker appears you know that an admin is connecting quickly so stop it. We need players not admins.

    And how does this admin connect so quickly?

    Beacuse im lazy enough to connect to IRC, but yes we do need more players, but as the server is, we need regular players.

  6. More small information from me :)

    1. I have ben thinking about aplying for admin my self, only thing stopping me is IRC and my lack of admin knowledge. Even thou' i think i have a good chance :V

    2. Untill about... 1-2 months ago me Shoogoo, Lopata and many others have ben crowding up #1 for a night full of fun (excet it only lasts 1-3 hours) But now it kinda' just stoped, my thoughts why? Beacuse personaly i dont got the patience to get the server crowded, i used to use hours waiting for someone to join.

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