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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by FishWithAHat

  1. I'm willing to join Minky and the other guys for digging,gathering resources or building! (I'm not really creative when it comes to building though, 6.9/10 creative mind)

    I like how everyone puts themselves around 7 for building when pretty much none of them are.

    No offense, but let me put things into perspective here- I'd put the VoxelBox crew at around 8-8.5/10 (simply because I've seen some amazing structure in my time). But to consider the VoxelBox anything lower than 8 is heresy.! Most people would put them immediately at 10/10. I'd put my money down to say most people are 2-2.5 times lower than what they say they are. (once more, no offence.)

    Mine is below hell :I

  2. I dont know about you but that amount of time seems way to fast for me, I once digged a 50x50 doom hole (with stairs) And it must have taken me more than 18 hours to do.

    Beacuse you have to get fresh equipment, and now even food, and remember the space for all that stone. and a steel pickaxe for the bling bling

  3. *pops neck a few times*

    Redstone based wizardy and games? It's go time!

    Man, I have ideas just shooting through my head already! I could even make my...

    Turbo! Pedder! I'm changing the sandstone building from the SG server to be faction war based, speak nothing of the details and meet me on the server in half and hour to an hour. We have work to do...

    If possible, Turbo, get Pedder into a steam chat with us and we can talk more there. The 10k GC (and permanent reserved slots) shall be ours!

    Perfect for learning?

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