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Posts posted by FishWithAHat

  1. Hi,

    I've been one of the most (if not the most) active player on Mr.Green for the past 6 months, and those are a few suggestions I'm going to leave here;

    The bots

    Get rid of them, they're a curb to getting the server filled. I've seen #1 fill up on maps where bots don't have a .nav file (they just remain in the spawn) because people don't like facing bots.

    Also, people stack as early as they can, and it often ends up being 4 real people versus 1 guy and 3 bots. The lone guy leaves, frustrated for obvious reasons, and you're back to square 1. Repeat until the 4 players are tired of fighting bots and the server is ded.

    The maps

    Some maps tend to bring traffic, while others make players leave for another server. I have a pretty good idea of which map does what and I'll be happy to list them, but overall it seems Payload classics are what gets the server filled in the most rapidly. A good variety of maps is a nice thing, but maybe you should leave some out of the rotation, only available through player voting (!= automated vote), and have a solid and limited map rotation.

    The voting

    As seen on Reddit servers (I wish I had a screenshot, but I dont) the voting menu goes like this

    1. Please take time to read all the votes options ...

    2. ... before pushing the buttons thoughtlessly

    3. [nothing]

    4. Map1

    5. Map2

    6. Map3

    7. Map4

    8. Map5

    I find this system genuinely interesting because it avoids having people bashing the "1" button. One could think that they would resort to just bash the "4" button instead, but no, somehow the voted map seems to be any of the 5.

    Team Scramble

    I understand that scrambling the teams has always been a big debate on Mr.Green, I'm not sure why. It's been a month or so, and especially in arena (the last active server), that the stacking has gone to another level. Basically it's regulars versus newbs and non-regulars. People aren't even ashamed of joining the winning team when/if they can because after the 1st round you know what team will end the map with a score of 15-1. People stack because first of all the server allows them to (no autobalance, no scramble) and they don't want their ego to be hurt, but also and most importantly (to me) because of ...

    ...The rankings

    Especially in arena, where the only way to score points is to get kills or assists, the ranking system is ruthless. If you're high in the leader boards, chances are that you will likely lose 25 points when the enemy sneezes at you, while you, on the other hand, struggle to even score a mere 10 points. TF2 ranking has this particularity that you really only care about your own ranking, since it keeps displaying in the text area at every action you make. Only a minority of people actually go check the leader boards page outside of TF2. For those reasons, this is what I suggest (probably will be laughed at/ignored)

    • Adjust the ranking system only in arena so that it's not so punishing. I think that would stop, or at least help with the stacking problem (which has to be taken care of, I insist on that).
    • No more stats, remove them altogether. Quite radical, but maybe that would lead to balanced matches here and there instead of people holding each others tail like what we have at the moment.
    • Less radical, reset the stats every 6/3 months. I think that would help people give up with their obsession on the ranking. Permanent stats makes people give the illusion that their performances are being engraved in a memorial stone of gaming or something (while ultimately, nobody cares but yourself)

    Stats are cool, don't get me wrong. But punishing stats + no scramble leads to the crapfest we're having in #3 lately.

    Quickplay plug-in

    FishWithAHat has a point when he talks about Quickplay. As stated on this page, it seems once you register your server, you get more traffic (mainly F2Ps) driven to it. A good example for this is the EGT (Ever Green Terrace?) server, almost constantly full from early in the afternoon to late at night. The disadvantage with this is that the server has to be as vanilla as possible hence I assume no perks would be allowed. Since #3 doesn't suffer from traffic issues, a solution would be to keep perks there and remove them on the other Payload/CP server to allow the registration and access to the Quickplay thingie.

    I was actually thinking about some fun game mode. Like ones with cars and shit like that.

    Things with football, the one which was with that castle (for example at the time when we had tf2 even, where every1 slayed every1 in their team (expect admins :V)).

    I'm sorry but those are really, really bad ideas. I'm not even going to comment on the cars thing, but the football/dodge ball only attracts a niche of players and most green regulars would bail the hell out.

    And if by castle you're referring to DeGroote Keep map, I have to say that from experience it's such a faded/crappy map that #1 gets emptied when the server changes to it.

    my 5 cent

    The bots: I wouldnt reamove them but make it 2-4 bots

    Voting: Please yes!

    Scramble: yes, but maybe make it like every 5th round on arena

    ranking: Yes it sucks that one have to stack teams to get proper points, but with top 100-25ish its not a problem beacuse if you kill someone on the stacked team you get more points ( :D )But what i dont get is on #1 and #2 you got 5 points for killing as the lowest and 3 on arena? (personaly i would love to "anti-stack" but im trying to get into top 50 :V )

    Quickplay: Yes its Ever Green Terrace, and yes as soon 3-5 players have played for about 10-15 min its full, beacuse of quickplay.

  2. If KOTH get removed im going to be so sad :( i love that thing even thou' it isnt full all the time, (non of MRgreens servers are :/)

    And the thing nobody plays it, not true i would think there are less playing on CP/PL, but when there are its just tons of fun, until we stack the teams and everybody leaves.

    And dont remove arena it the server that the most joins

  3. In Norway for 7 days (ski'ing (?) (classic)) and possibly the only way for me to join a faction (not full of mental ill folkes (not that we are completely healty))and it all slips by. I would still like to join but i havnt played minecraft in a long time (stopped around when the fishing pole came)

  4. Name the island: Island of Hats

    Be with this l4g member: Navo

    And this famous celebrity: Simon Pegg

    The book we have is: Kan fisk drukne? (in english: can fish drown?)

    We would only have this game: TF2

    (there just happens to be electricity! amazing)

    We would only have this movie to watch together:Hot Fuzz/Shaun of the dead (cant decide)

    And this music album: Ac/Dc: Ballbreaker

    I would also bring this:A ginormus hatstore

    Will there be any offspring?:Dunno

    The first to die will be: The man who becomes bored of watching the film first

    If we are rescued it's because: Simon Pegg needs to do more acting in Ghost protocol (mission impossible)

  5. Games i just used a couple of years playing agian and agian and so on until today where theyre consitered shit *sniff* (some of them)

    Red alert 2

    Battlefield 2

    Dungeon siege 1!

    Halo 1 (thought it took me a year to beat it)



    Warcraft 3 Frozen throne

    Diablo 2 (grinding FTW :3 )

    And seriously why cant you make games like dungeon siege anymore i miss them :(

  6. Wow german. (its a bitch!) I've had german in school for 1 and a half year and i dont understand much exept the words that look like the danish ones :/

    But i must say GL beacuse you gonna have to work hard!

    P.S. No offence but i kidda hate you English men (for invading Denmark just beacuse we wont give our shizz to you free and we have to learn 2 new langues)

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