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Posts posted by ChickenAttack

  1. 16 hours ago, BlueYoshi97 said:

    We are looking into restoring ManHunt mode, and making CTF appear once every three rotations or so.

    Who's we... and why post in behe's own private thread about this and not on the poll thread which btw ctf won...


    CTF was promised to keep fire on when fire transfer was deleted and that didn't happen.


    MH could be fun, but CTF deserves better treatment.

  2. On 28/05/2017 at 6:35 PM, wooozie said:

    isnt that kristine singing? and ariana grande looks even cheaper with 80s hair. 7.467/10


    who is kristine? ariana is fuckable but odds are she'll age like snooki

  3. On 17/05/2017 at 4:51 AM, SkyBlue said:

    nobody needs your maps, theres plenty of race maps on internet.

    mrgreen was a little titanic not so many years ago, everything went to the shit when binslayer left the team, he knew how to keep a server alive putting rules and keeping them strong for everybody, theres no respect for the staff anymore, somebody makes a topic and instantly staff do what the people want making worse the server with the time.

    Skyblue you making less sense than an orangutan at oxford. Binslayer made ctf and kept it, later admins took mh off he didn't, later admins added sh, he also had no admins in mix and half the players would block while the others would try to complete nts. It was hilarious, but ''a server with rules'' it certainly wasn't. You should drink less of that mexican moonshine.

  4. 4 hours ago, RealJesus said:


    And DD can get relegated to oblivion as far as I'm concerned, Juan, even if it's been here for a long time. It's not a classic mode, it was introduced, if I recall, just before SH took over MH. 

    No way. DD was probably introduced soon after the beginning of the server. And it probably was modified when NTS came along, to become DD/NTS. NTS came way way way long before SH, as in years, because MH was sitting around for a long time too.

  5. 2 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    All that matters is that CTF is pure cringe, and if there's people to defend it there would have certainly people to play it.

    It fits better in a separate server bcs its a Teaming and Score mode.

    NTS and NTS/DD fit better on a CTF-RTF-MH server than they do on a SH/DM. Those last two are your favorite modes, and they're also a lot more widespread on MTA, where they are also a lot more popular. DM in RTF is one you love too, despite how it causes way more afk and logoffs than 2 or 3 minutes of CTF, as many can't complete them, especially at night. Nobody's questioning that out there in the wild your modes are more popular. What I'm saying is that that's not what mix is. And for a server that manages to go through nearly full nights with a dozen people consistently for years and still does so, and averages 3 dozen during the daytime you sure are putting up a tantrum, putting up your own special thread and all just for you, as if this is all become a fashion trend like reese. You lost a vote, what else do you want. Code an extra room yourself and you'll just empty the rooms as we can barely fill one room up as it is, which is a good achievement but don't push your luck as you become just a clone of the many servers out there with rooms. Fill it up with SH and it's just another SH/DM server of the hundreds out there.

  6. 3 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    good idea, then people who like CTF and/or Manhunt would play only in that server. Really good

    And make some option for the players to decide either blue or red team to participate, as you said 16 people server halved to 8 each team, choosing the team color by option. Would be better. Then the gamemode can be added to F2, just like Race and Mix @Bierbuikje

    (and as its a new server, new features can be added to these modes, like putting a name for the team, editing the CTF or Manhunt map, like putting the number of rounds you want, the time rules... and so on)

    To my mind an unique server for CTF would be better, then only players who really like it are gonna play and dispute it. You managers can have some base on FFS server, there's a gamemode there called CarBall, It has really became succeeded in-server Gamemode there.


    How about you send SH to the ghetto instead. CTF belongs with all honors in mix, it past the test and got lots if not most of the support, it was part of Binslayer's original vision which SH was not. Here, make a room with new shits like DM and SH for the skilful lads that wanna blow shit up and learn every nook and cranny of a DM map, and we keep to mix's definition, which is more DD-CTF-NTS-MH-RTF than it has to do with the parts you're trying to turn mix into.

  7. How many topics do you have to open to try to take CTF down? The other thread actually was a win for pro-CTFers, what were you expecting it was going to be a home-run? It's not that simple. CTF is way older than SH is on mix, and it was CTF that was around back when mix had an attendance that was higher than it is today. Maybe it fell in numbers because next gen games kept piling up to compete against it, nobody knows. But back then there also was no SH in mix too. And the funnest CTF maps were deleted by one or two previous admins just because he or they happened to hate CTF. I get it some of you think you're all pro and serious and stuff and that that's you all being grown up and shit, and CTF is such terrible cancer to you cuz you can't stand the sight of not competing and applying your honed up skillset... and the terrible trauma of getting crashed into by a teammate is on the verge of making you make a twitter account to become a politician... Most CTF maps barely last 2 or 3 minutes as the flags are easy to get and you don't like it but yet you're perfectly fine trying to slip in hard RTF/DM maps that take 10 to 30 minutes to complete. Complaining about your agony at all the time lost and the eye cancer this harmless mode is giving you is ridiculous.

  8. 31 minutes ago, Goldberg said:

    I can understand when people like Bier share opinions about ctf, it's one of those guys who plays mix once a month and can actually enjoy it, cuz its not his living. For us who plays mix (atleast some of us) frequently its just cancer. Once you guys start playing frequently you'll realize that its just kinda waste of time. According to what people vote for ctf is the most hated mode, thats just facts. 

    I can't really agree on that. How could the rounds be long enough? DD mostly get replayed 3 times and usually each round takes about 3 min. A CTF round usually take 3-4 min to finish also.



    Frequency of playing these days doesn't account for much as DM is creeping into the server more and more, breaking the flow as most of us can't complete the maps and often that's between 10 or 30 minutes lost, as by then so few people are left online and most are afk that then the majority votes to replay RTF. Plenty of the people who voted to keep CTF are total addicts these days too. CTF should have health transfer and better maps is all, not everything has to be about competing and busting things up your own.

  9. 21 hours ago, sweetsandy said:

    Oh believe me I didn't come to mix to personify with anybody since I take most of you as noobs with goal to only have fun and nothing else, there's a reason I used quotation marks because I find that fap shit overused and not funny at all..

    Oh and btw ctf is my second favourite mode and I'm against deleting it. 

    One more thing, my mix entrance was a total random, my 11 year old cousin visited me from the other side of the country, he happened to like mix more over racing (wonder why) and I started to enjoying some of it too. 

    11 year olds and retards is a great market niche to have. And badping just happens to like CTF, not SH, and he used to play a lot more back when CTF and MH were around and SH didn't exist. Back then nobody would get permabanned which btw I agree with you that maina shouldn't have been. Just like boyka and tuco etc etc. So no badping isn't lying he's just from a different generation than you. SH introduces systemic risk in that it's a popular gamemode out there but it's just not mix's niche. Mix has or had very particular things to offer, like NTS or MH, or unmoderated chat arguments, not just clones from other places.

  10. 9 minutes ago, sweetsandy said:

    All of you fap noobs hate shooter because it's the only mode that requires actual skills..badping is full of shit saying CTF gets played again cuz since I started playing on mix it was replayed literally once and everybody was like 'wtfap'. 


    Nice attempt at trying to pass yourself off as a mix native by saying 'wtfap' but we all know you're like uber vs the taxis, and you only entered mix cuz SH replaced MH. You SH bois are the intruders not us CTF lovers.

  11. 16 hours ago, BadPing said:


    Fun, teamwork, chaos, everyone gets to play until the end. Great gamemode overall 10/10 would replay every time.

    LMAO playing for tops. Irrelevant.

    Worst argument ever.

    You obviosuly lack leadership skills to organize your team and push them to victory. This gamemode will teach you some important life skills.


    Absurd claim. No credible sources. Discarded. It gets replayed plenty of times for me.

    What do you mean there´s no objective? Capture the flag boy! Maybe that's the reason you hate it, you didn´t even know what to do! Man I feel sorry for you.

    You mean substituting Manhunt with CTF. And yes it was, both gamemodes should have been kept.

    Arranged only to prove anti CTF shills like you that it is indeed a great gamemode and should stay. The votes are in, CTF should stay!

    Delusional anti CTFap conspiracists have been proven wrong once again. Your propagandist lobbying efforts will go to waste.

    Epic post from my main man le epic Bad Pingu.

  12. On 07/05/2017 at 4:55 AM, Grizzly said:

    6. It's meaningless.

    C: As I already told, you cannot top it. There's no objective.

    7. Was substituting CTF with Manhunt a mistake??

    A: Yes it was, but if we had Manhunt instead, it would still have brainless players all around to fuck that up.

    CTFap was in mix since mix had its womb spermified by its daddy. MH was substituted with SHitero. But nice attempt at rewriting history. And badping played a ton before SH took a dump on mix and twisted mix from its NTS fromagyness.

  13. 7 hours ago, Grizzly said:


    PS. All those people who voted for CTF to stay, most of them join the server like twice in a trimester, I never see them, so why are you inactive players voting for something?? You vote for it to stay but you are not there to make this fucking CTF round end! capturing the flag like a fool dog from a base to the other to be finally able to play the next game mode.





    With hate, behemoth. (jk)


    ROFL. Typical of these globalist counterrevolutionaries. When they see votes against them they attempt a coup d´etat! Face it you half-breed Trotskyites, CTFap is much loved on MrG!


    And it's the opposite about the votes thing. Most people voting against ctf haven't played in the server or mta for that matter in months and/or are SH/CG yoyos that came when SH did, while pro-ctf voters have been around longer and are still around.

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