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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by ChickenAttack

  1. On 31/03/2017 at 8:40 PM, Duby said:

    Mr.Green needs a new game server to bring in fresh players of a more mature field and not internet kiddies. 


    Ie something new and fresh which the community can work on. Perhaps we could look at flash based mini games or something which we could host on a live arcade on the forum website...?

    If rage.mp and gta-orange gain traction, i'm sure mrgreen could easily set up a successful server.

  2. 10 hours ago, MADKILLER said:

    I think the next event should be later on in the year space them out so it makes it more fun and maybe do it on event server with both mix and race maps

    mix mix and race maps? makes no sense whatsoever. Most ppl don't do both week in week out there's no reason they'd go to an event of both.

    3 of the 5 no votes are from multinicks. wtfap cum on... :rofl:

  3. 23 minutes ago, WesEdit said:

    CTF is hilarious cuz u turn afk during ctf and laugh at our jokes, isn't it cocko?

    CTF would be great with epic maps, epic battles, weapons, random markers.. THAT would fit ctf. 

    its fun when everyones in a traffic jam at one of the flags. imo so much more fun than rtf or sh, but then again i also liked mh. it could be made better if a modder developed on that and added some of the stuff ur talking about. unfortunately the best ctf maps were deleted as the admins hated ctf and didnt like it when it took too long even though now we have way bigger issue with rtf in this regard. the best ctf maps were early on in mrgreen when there'd be 40 players crawling out a garage and cursing at each other or when there was a skyscraper and golf carts would sometimes successfully team up to do a good defense.

  4. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/09/15/why-a-million-people-still-play-multiplayer-grand-theft-auto-san-andreas-every-month/


    So this week GTA5 was (is) on sale half price. I considered buying it, read around on google reddit etc, realized it would be idiotic to buy it. First because the only thing that makes me look at youtube links of it are the graphics when modded, and second of all cuz the online experience seems terrible (16 players max, constant server crashes, assholism, no mods online allowed etc...).


    FiveM btw is back but it's back in fivereborn, but it doesnt seem to be big at all, doesnt allow piracy either, and besides those GPUs are still for the well-off, while of the many appeals of the GTA3 online modded servers is any guy with a pentium 3 can go on it. So I calculate MTA is evergreen and not going away anytime soon, at least 5 years but probably 10 it will have more users or as many as each new iteration of a steam graphics. Great article btw.

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