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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by ChickenAttack

  1. On 17/04/2017 at 4:47 PM, Quad_Tube said:

    No Moose. Beethoven, Ichabod Crane or indeed any man would have to play second fiddle here; "for a woman hath a more enduring quality."

    Some more clues..



    That's Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler.



  2. 36 minutes ago, MADKILLER said:

    certian players complanning at the time I think

    I looked up the complaint and in retrospect i guess it makes sense that it was pay2win on a mode like DD. Unfortunately, it should've been made default on CTF imo, maybe even on DD as default for everyone, and in other modes where it made no difference at all

  3. I just went to FFS and asked them what ping they had. They said 350 on SH and 300 on DD, 300-350 on others and some rooms even no ping limit. So what is your point? Why was ping limit lowered to 250 anyways? Oh yeah, on complaint thread set up by reese... You think suddenly rooms will fill up because only western and central europeans can play on the precious server with a ping limit of 100? What's enough for you specialists and pros? Server was fine for years on ping limit 350 anyways, and SH wasn't around for most of mix's life. Why would a massive server like FFS have such a high ping limit without issues, I can think of either two reasons, or this is a total non-issue or mrgreen never fixed a latency issue as 3 or 4 years ago it hadn't and I played on mrgreen instead of ffs as the latency limit there would kick me on my shitty community wifi, but I think it did. So either way, the ping limit today at 250 is already too low.


    Some of us play at night now that the 350 ping limit is unfairly cornered into a tiny time slot, and nobody complains. It used to be just like that but during the day too.


    Also south americans or middle easterns don't win DD and SH more than other people. so where's this bullshit theoretical advantage? Nowhere.

  4. 2 hours ago, RDX said:

    If manager again start fire transfer in mix server it will be more fun 

    Massivefap +1


    It was always great and made lots of sense on ctf. It hurt nobody dunno why it went.

  5. Just one chance from mute to ban? Well then i've always said it's too much to permaban classic players. Players just can't be banned after years playing just because they insult a couple of times. I see it as more rules would just lead to more rules. Reesy on the other hand just a few weeks ago wanted stricter rules... it just goes to show how this often bites us in our own ass in the end.

  6. well im on both sides of the fence. you were only muted afaik for two days and i love south american players who play when i do and i'm not bothered by their ping and i hate SH as i think it's taken mix away from what it should be. but on the other side you should stay and i'd like you to as would many others. fap the power!

  7. 5 minutes ago, WesEdit said:

    Yep we want sucksexful server ^_^


    It's doing well now but as the price of entry into nextgen gets cheaper we can expect mta's evergreen nature to slip slowly away. At the same time as that slips away, mrgreen could just migrate to nextgen seemlessly if a mod community can arise and it isn't taken down by Rockstar.


    Nextgen players simply don't have stuff like mta and gtamp which is why so many complain about their online experience. Despite their great graphics their online gameplay sucks judging from youtube videos and comments.


    It's also terrible in EA where battlefield1942 will outlast battlefield 1, plenty more examples.

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