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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. omg no. mix shouldn't be about effort. mix should be about fliponguses, sackballs, laziness and luck
  2. @neox. @AleksCore @KaliBwoy @warp. any others i'm forgetting?
  3. @SDK said admins active back at the time, why should admins not active back then have a say? admins like neox, kali, warp or alekscore. makes no sense, plus back then you were a way bigger troll than tuco.
  4. it was kali who was ''outed'' by tuco ''as gay''. iirc it was hilarious tbh. cant remember anything else.
  5. yes but we want more than 1 owner lol btw megazy leave kr join fap!!
  6. this would give us joint team ownership and the other would transfer it, no?
  7. k but we need a /addowner name option
  8. woozie needs some bananad he dunno diff between ping and latency omg
  9. NatureX is in Brazil and it was a handful of whining european tards that did this bs, no cable over wifi is gonna do shit. 300 was fine and lag isnt caused by 300 but by latency but they just wouldnt listen so rip south america night time ping should be extended from 12pm western europe time to 10pm to even start to make it fair cuz by 12pm all europeans have left anyways
  10. dont worry u can now join kamil in his werewolf chat game on telegram, and other turds from the IM sphere. 850 euros is only last gen. i doubt venezuelans playing the 10 yr old mta pay 8 euros for their crapc's
  11. Well its really about Mads hardon for the bobby patrol. Who believes that the guy who spent years raging about gays, pedos, pakis, fatsoes and made personal attacks 24/7 now cares about anorexics? R O F L...
  12. Mix was also way fuller without SH, when it wasnt overrun with crapmins with double standards, mall cop style hardons and bullshit ''dont make fun of anorexics'' excuses for bans, and when it was pure anarchy, tanks for fappo to take to the finishing line to kill you all with, and there were no rules. Mix now sucks bags of dicks.
  13. The irony on this thread is so strong my penis is orgasming out of my gay rendigayo ears.
  14. way 2 far, no need to muteban fo dis. megas is a loveable retard but he can defend himself. the only way mrgreen resembles a safe space is if u think a toilet seat is a safe space, and it isn't, unless ur a crap. LONG LIFE TO MR GREENS TOILET SEAT! But maybe we should keep strothina in prison for sex reasons
  15. yeah it was fappo, he screwed up and must have misinterpreted the readings lol... he got me 6 extra days for 5000gc...
  16. sdk can team members renew the team? one of mine tried to renew the team and it didnt work and he lost a ton of gcs lol, he's poor af now
  17. wow looks fugging awesome lets hope it lives up to the hype...
  18. sho nuff nuff said... looks like race lot have been manipulating the votes on the poll... conspiracy confirmed! DM can nicely return to race now lol
  19. right now theres a clear conspiracy of fapluminatti to plod all the DMs on mix when they clearly should belong in race which is where all the skillful turdbrain bongolickers reside. there never was any skill in mix, Mix is about going against Darwin's grain... mix is about turning back the clocks of time to when we were all fapping worms having crazy mindless sex on top of a tyranosaurus rex. and we just lost another 7 minutes on a dm-rtf frankenstein dat no one could complete... rip mix 2016 it was nice gasming u #sendtheDMigrantsbacktoRacewheretheybelong omgasm think of the caucasian Mix breed...! .!. (fap)
  20. dats why FaP is better cuz it dont give you no diabetes
  21. But they're both very similar, its about a shooting car basically. Really its a bit absurd this thread a bunch of ppl who love SH wanna have a clone of SH when it comes down to it. Maybe we should have an NTS and also an NTS with random markers while we're at it... same for DD... i wouldnt mind if CG alternated with SH and maps were designed for each but its about getting a double dose of them now, and ofc I hate both modes anyways and clearly NTS and DD will just lose more weight
  22. alternating between shooter and cg, surely, not a double dose of a very similar mod, the server already has enough cg and sh as it is!!
  23. ok where did you report it? how is it even possible to cheat on mta i thought that was a thing of the past?
  24. Well the hard RTF maps that right now have 20 minute time limits should have their limits reduced cuz even thou the time limit for AGA was reduced there are still other ones that take a crappy 20 mins, like rami's new RTF-RAM D1... then we could add the new DM maps as long as theyr not super long and theyr like rami described them, plus a parallel world respawn where the losers can mess about in for a few mins.
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