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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. maher will be black? wtfap i knew this dolly clone sheep shit would get out of control
  2. Nigga pl to the zed please CTF IS ESSENTIAL TO MIX. BRING BACK MH AND MAKE MORE CTFAP MAPS! ERASE SHitero mode!
  3. wessy le fat escargot doesn't get it quite right so rationality returns to save the day overbooking draculocraft stranger things meets poltergeist, directed by fapotator fappo and whoever the hell sackballwes is epic jump for the faplympics ofc exactly what it looks like Formula1 in a nutshell: Perks of being a Moose Mach 2 skillz: Flippy hax: lube fails: that's just february 16 ill upload more months when i have time
  4. The illuminati got to Sky. They destroyed the love connection he had with neox and yourcous. Bastards...

  5. Sky dude where u going


    You're the official filmmaker of mix! I love them vids!



    1. ChickenAttack


      I see u got addicted to agario lolololol


      wanna team?

  6. Damn right epic! No flight or truck simulator out there has moves like these! Btw, I remember a lot of those but I distinctly remember the plane landing rofl Here's a pic of you the other day on a stunt, perfect timing. I'll upload more one of these days I've got tons to choose from
  7. What a bloody outrage that I'm not on the list!
  8. Dude its called defending. You'd probably hate the better CTF maps I have in mind xD
  9. CTF is the heart and soul of mix u turd @r0cK CTF also needs better map makers as it has so much potential. I can't believe no map maker makes better maps for it. I may have to learn map making myself. DM belongs in race as race is all about skill. If anything, because let's face it it doesn't belong in race either, and if i were a racer I'd be annoyed as fuck by DM. Mix is about idiots. DM is also extremely fucking annoying in mix because it's the polar opposite of what mix is. I voted no so you don't dump the shitty DM on mix.
  10. This isn't RTF, its DM which belongs in race not mix!!
  12. i'm gonna take a dump. if it's diarrhea i'll return next year. whatever the outcome, i'll post proof.
  13. how did he manage to not get shot and killed (like in america) but anyway, lol
  14. WTF... since when have mrgay players ever said please. Also there are as many if not more players nowadays as ever, maybe not the same ones sometimes but that's natural. The problem is its so good many of us become addicted and when addicted ppl resort to extremes.
  15. Looks like we overworked @AleksCore ... good luck dude whatever you get up to and thank you so much for all the great scripts. One thing, usually people overdose on mrgreen because it's so good they think they'll go onto better things but then get bored and return. If you've seen the tards playing GTAV on youtube you'll understand what I mean, better gpu etc more realistic more resolution yada yada yada but too autistic and not as fun and social as here, almost as if they human race is getting more retarded with every new generation. The fact is there won't be progression in games as these graphics are good enough and the scripting is open, whereas now all the new games the scripting is closed, like in BF1, compared to BF1942, where you don't have editor tools and they charge you a left ball for every new moronic DLC. Those games are also charged with testosterone and for privileged little bitches, whereas mta is free and in 10 years no free racing or roaming game has come out to compete with it, so all the lower classes that aren't Donald Drumpf or Joe Six Pack training for another round in Iraq, will keep downloading it. Free steam games are lame compared to mta and if I'm not mistaken pay to play, whenever free but closed communities get too popular they pull the plug, like in FIFA World. As for moving onto real life and the real world and you all beings teens and you get bored of racing, well that's not really true, most people have to get jobs and be overworked and lead shitty lives, if they get short work hours they realize that gaming communities like this one are awesome and return whenever they can. Many ppl also overdose on gaming and have to take extended leave of absence as a consequence due to bad grades etc, which isn't the same as leaving. Most are nostalgic as fuck 10 years later cuz they realise they're not traveling the world they're cleaning toilets with a toothbrush, so everything is relative.
  16. for me the big fucker on a desktop was finding out the ram had to be fixed perfectly in, but mine was a new desktop. the other thing thats talked about a lot on forums is ram can break with static if they're not handled with a neutral, so it could be hard to replace such old ram. desktops are also way cheaper than laptops and last way longer but things mightve changed since i last looked
  17. MTA is so old it probably runs on a pentium 4. Fappo runs it on integrated graphics I think... Laptops are shits, desktops are the shizz... second-hand sites are full of cheap stuff, might even run on a 30 euro 10 yr old pc
  18. Speaking of broken craptops, fix urs!! We need xmas mount baguette!! (Jingle Fap! Jingle Fap! Jingle all the Fap Fap Fap! etc) fapu dan u is traitor and fapbeat sucks more dicks than cnt on valentines day
  19. https://club.ubisoft.com/en-EN/ubi30 go open and account and claim them. i think u can download them later but only this weekend claim them.
  20. ok all go to mix and nominate rise of the fap baguette!
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