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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. extreme fapworthiness
  2. sadly myanus... it was reinstated like it shoulda always been, with a time limit, so now its rtfap. so themooseness is right as usual!
  3. Dont add DM to mix for the love of god, we just got rid of a great adventure because it was DM disguised as RTF when it comes to RTF and DM put it all in race server
  4. btw I voted Ney as in get rid of CG altogether... and if some of you are voting Ney to make it a new gamemode then the poll doesnt make sense
  5. noooo dont make new gamemode its a copycat of SH it just means we have double dose of SHit... thats way too much SHit
  6. Ok I've had my say and even though this is all clearly unfair wes is banned and i was muted, lets try to fap a peace pipe
  7. plz fapmin abuse 300% and no its not a gremlin dat unlocks favorable admin threads and locks unfavorable admin threads... ROFL lamenessgasm over9000
  8. omg nee u fail so badly if u hadnt invented fake camping accusations this wouldnt have happened

    1. Buurrman


      I literally have no idea what you mean with fake accusations, but let the higher ups  deal with it i would say no reason for war

    2. ChickenAttack


      You mean Higher ups like aleks you hypocrite... obviously you're hiding behind cena and mad when u made fake camping accusations

    3. Buurrman


      Aleks was in my sight acting on behalf of his friends but that part is over so im not going in to that and come on false accusations you know better lol+ that was by far not all you might be right on some things ofcource but if you ask me you deserved a good ban.

      im gonna stop commenting here so if you want things sorted out ask me ingame

  9. You mean because you made it to admin you had to appear to follow rules so you're no longer blocking, camping and spamming your insults around? let me guess is rendiko banned?
  10. Cena please. All I know is wes says he didn't do nothing, and that mad abuses or doesnt know what spam or camping is and is the most surreal admin appointment ever.
  11. Admins are outta control. What do you expect when mad is admin... #FreeWessy!!
  12. I'm not going anywhere LOL. you're the one thats never played on this server and has a fake clan, and mad is the admin with no legitimacy who's trying to get me muted for 30 days in a desperate attempt to show authority.
  13. Mad omg enough!! stop lurking looking for support and unmute
  14. SFG clan what the hell is dat, super fap gasm? There's no history of super fap gasm on mix server, its a recent burp that barely has 30 days existence. Gnappo on the other hand is pretty much the abraham lincoln of mix server, and old abe does not spam.
  15. no point in playing tonight mads ruined it and looks like he muted for 30 days he appears to be in total twat mode

  16. What the fuck? The jokes gotten way too far. Mad totally shouldnt be admin.
  17. See? Mad's a Trigger happy mute monkey. Btw unmute me too there's no such thing as a mute bug...
  18. Yes, MarkNL often visits mrgreengaming /s Now that mad is pming people like you looking for support, I'll just add that no you're wrong, simple and moongamers are servers like any other and yes, mad constantly gets into fights, and did so in the past. Mad has a spectacular idea of what honor is, and it seems to consist in finding epic nemesises on the internets to obsess over. No change whatsoever, just now he's admin. Up until the very day he made it to admin on mrgreen he was still having massive immature fights with a ton of people calling this guy gay that guy paki and so on. Mad becoming admin is still a joke, and he's more prone to abuse than anyone, whatever frenzy he can strike about imaginary spam or imaginery camping. Oh and fucking unmute me. It was an unfair mute and a waste of time. I'm being told there's a bug in the mutescript I don't care just unmute, the 2 hour mute shouldnt have happened in the first place and its what happens when you make someone obsessed with fat gay pakis and other daily mail imagery admin.
  19. Except that it wasnt spam and it wasnt camping. And you forget Stig is as much of a mod as I am and I've never asked to be admin and never want to be. Gnappo was doing what gnappo always does, copy names and talk back to names he's copied. Gnappo is a bag of fun and thats what he's been doing for 5 years. Whereas what have you been up to, during those 5 years you raged and raged at imaginary pedos, noobs, gays, pakis, fat pakis, gay pakis and had huge crazy ass fights, hence your nickname. See the disconnect? You go from glitcher, hacker, teamkiller just like me but then you go on to admin of servers, it happened on bf42 ask around at the simple forum server I'm sure they remember you lol. And it wasnt camping cuz you ended up having to lie saying the /duel thing, which is what you should have been writing, was bugged, in addition to the map not working, in addition to you and your ridonculous authority striking up a frenzy of camp camp accusations in which I was busy defending myself from the accusation when you killed me. There's no story mad, you screwed up period, as did the other ants in last nights frenzy of twatmunches. You as admin is hilarious.
  20. Yes, lets compare warp with mad. warp was all about authority, whereas mad is the lunatic who spammed the chat and had fights 24/7 with everyone until he was made admin. plus mad only abuses. he cant even distinguish a right situation from a wrong one. right now he muted me based on lies about camping when there were only 2 left and we were waiting for duel. mad is a total fraud of an admin and the joke is that no one understands how this mongol has made it to admin.
  21. ohhh i see the time was lowered... well never mind then. i guess now it is a real rtf
  22. omg wasnt this turd crap map deleted? its still in mix ruining another night with nobody completing it for fuck knows how long i guess...
  23. Just as I thought, mad did in fact threaten over the nibje joke, just not in pm. Mad you seem to think you can forget about the concept of friendly banter when u become admin and turn mix into bootcamp where you're the big chief. That is if it wasnt just ironic neox comment on your paki racism given the amount of arguments you've gotten into before the miracle of u becoming admin, and after. No amount of half lies is gonna get you out of this one.
  24. Don't bother Ywa with this bs. Lets see what Cousin says...
  25. Yes because admin panel inevitably leads to car freezing. Let's wait and see if Cousin comes to forum to complain about what happened with you today because from what I saw it was yet another power abuse where you joked about Nibje then resorted to private messages to Cousin threatening to mute him for the same nibje jokes. Oh and neox hasnt stopped calling u fatkiller he calls u it all the time just not on the server as he's usually not on.
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