I'll thoroughly explain the issue I personally have with a teleport command of any form. Please note, this is only my opinion and I am unaware of who supports my vision. Point 1. A command like that allows one-way teleportation from any random location directly to safety. Namely the safe-zone of the spawn-area. Point 2. A teleporter which is located in a safe-zone is a two-way operation. If you build close to it to use its functionality, you can be affected by it too. Now imagine the following, likely to happen, hypothetical situation: There is a faction and you are mobilizing a team to raid it. Situation 1 (using the /spawn command): Your team has to walk all the way to their base, giving them plenty of time to spot your movement on the Dynmap (unless you have cloak, they'd spot you visually) before you reach their base. After a short skirmish they panic mode and type /spawn. Now they are safe inside a safe-zone where they can't be harmed. Kind of sucks for the raiding party don't ya think? Situation 2 (using teleporters): Your team can either walk to your base OR USE the teleporter which WOULD have been their escape route. This way you dont even need to use the dynmap cloak in order to pull off an ambush. In order to escape now, they either have to abandon their base (but your raiding party is inbetween their base and the safe-zone, so that is easy-prey for you) or fight they can fight you, which is exactly what you want! Now think the request for the /spawn-command through again and let me know any valid arguments. Being too lazy to walk to spawn is not a valid argument. Edit: fixed typo where said "your" when should have been "their".