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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. I need a new motherboard for the graphicscard, i have crappy now
  2. I am gonna upgrade my PC and i wonder if this stuff i found is good. Cooler Master CM 690 II Advanced Corsair H50 Hydro Series CPU cooler Corsair VX 550W PSU Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3LR, P45, Socket-775 ATX XFX Radeon HD 5770 1GB GDDR5 I already have Intel2 quad core prosessor 4Gb of DDR2 RAM 1TB HDD Whats your opinion?
  3. What i mean is that i have played IW almost every day the the last year, and i have just seen you the last 3 weeks. And 400 hours before the server got restarted? Bullshit. If you was soo active I would have heard about you. People have to stop bame the server reset xD I bet you dont even know how long time ago it is
  4. You havent been long in IW :S I think you need more experience.
  5. lol, windowns movie maker can do that xD
  6. The behave good if Toaster or Sacri is online. And if its a admin ingame more ofen, they are nicer
  7. Gameserver: The Gmod servers Age: 16 years and 116 days Country of origin: Norway Link to SteamCommunity profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/notte Little something about your self, and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hey, im Nøtte, today im apply again for the Mr.green Gmod servers. This time I dont gonna write a lot of my self, most of you know me and if you dont I put a link to my last app on the bottom. The main reson I made a new admin app is because I think IW need some more more admins. Only 2 of 9 admins play IW weekly, and I dont think thats enough for a server like IW. Some of you may say that I just can call on a admin if we need one. Well... We dont have a lot of hackers in IW, its not many who cheat, but we have a lot of kids who cant respect other players. What I mean is; mic spamming is a growing problem, and the same is "Game destroying spawn camp". The server works well whe its a admin online but as soon sacri or Toaster leave they start to put 3-5 turrets in spawn, killing the 2 poor zombies before they can take one step. Thats a problem . The last weeks have i seen players who say they love the gamemode, but leave cuz they dont like how they get treated. ( aka mic spamming and spawn camping) And i dont think this is a good reson to call for an admin from ZS. The spawn campers is usally gone by then. Some improvements from my last app: My english is a lot better. I may have a little bad grammar but people understand me 99% of the times. I now play IW (350 hours) and ZS (50-70 hours) Im even more active here and on the IRC And im now master of IW ( yey for me) Here is the link from my last app: http://forums.left4g...160-nottes-app/ Thanks for the support last time ;P I hope you sill like me.
  8. That made no sense xD Norwegian translation? [/translation + Drama] JEG FORNEKTER AT HAR BRUKT OVER 600 PÅ ET SPILL! DET ER MER ENN ET PS3 SPILL KOSTER FAEN! [/translation+ Drama]
  9. If you look at the stars too. You dont even need to aim xD http://www.mr-green.nl/portal/statistics/infectedwars.php
  10. Well this do not look good for the admin app :S
  11. Cant we just add a hentai zombie who insta kill you if you get a boner? And a big update I sayd to myself i that I never would use more then 50 euros on a game... Now i have to lie to myself... I only have donated 5 euros.... only 5 euros.... ONLY 5 EUROS!
  12. Sweden need a smaler flagg
  13. And its harder to a dude with one a hand to play. Cant you stop crying? It dont destroy gameplay, its just make it easyer to play
  14. Blueyoshi already said this some several times just delete the full load if you are shooting or just being afk. You are doing nothing to get your uber full. This is a thing they can remove. (if they can remove it,i dont know its a plugin) ''didn't helped anything'' A afk medic aint helping his team. If he get one uber every 100 sec he wont help his team a lot
  15. lol, If you make the uber last 5 seconds longer thats gonna be way to oberpowred xD And, dude, You only get 1 % every sec extra Uber. Thats not a lot mister.
  16. Anyways, good luck
  17. No. Shut up... Its better than anja... Dude don't remind me of that xD That wasn't on purpose lol xD She is your (Our) Ex-girlfiend xD Sadly she wont disappear
  18. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=UXG8v6dsqMo
  19. QTesla, phonepics ftw And EventualZero, "Marte" and "Katrine" are some hot chick. GOOD JOB!
  20. Im just trolling around You have Great poses But in pics like "Guess I can't help it, I can't force them to give critism and comment on mine works" you can use a little more time to the eyes and face pose
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