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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Half a year ago they made made a joke on the blog cuz the DLC's to MW2 cost money, and they was like " We have 120 free updates" Now they are doing the almost same thing -.-
  2. Why do we want back to the moon? Been there done that EDIT: If we want to live there we have to learn to make water out of moon rock I saw it on Discovery channel long time ago They made water out of moon dust! But for some reson NASA dinnt want it....
  3. YOU DONT LIKE MAC CUZ IT DONT HAVE ERROR'S! "Waiting for massive rage"
  4. I got a free MacBook Pro 13" from my school And thats a lot better then my 13" Win7 laptop
  5. A few hours after minecraft.net was back i got a funny bug Remember i always use Notte as my user name, but then i loged in this happned ( If you dont get it look at the username in top rigth corner )
  6. Notte


    Remember we are gamers! We dont have to pray! We respawn anyways! Just be nice and dont cheat... Ban is like hell...
  7. Minecraft This is a temporary page. Minecraft got way too popular for this humble server. I've had to disable everything fancy to even get it to run. The following things do not work at the moment: Registering an account Purchasing the game User verification for online servers The following does work: Actually playing the gamePlayer skins Until this all gets sorted out, I'm officially calling a "free-to-play weekend", or however long this will take to fix. If you want to keep track of the latest developments, please follow my blog. I also post stuff on my twitter, but there's a lot of nonsense there as well. / Notch EDIT: The Free stuff aint working for me btw -.- I cant Download Packages
  8. Notte

    My resignation

    You to? Did i start a mass leaving?
  9. Notte

    Last words

    But ilike to be a Scandinavian
  10. Notte

    Last words

    Yes indeed
  11. Notte

    Last words

    Here is my skype also :L I use it a lot in school. andreas.hansen2502
  12. I cry everytime i see a Toaster now :'(

  13. Notte

    Last words

    I wont quit L4G 100%, i just wont use the same amount of time here :L Its not the same to post in many of the theads when you dont play on the servers. And i dont have time to play a lot of games Another reson is that i can be on facebook at school but not IRC, for some reson they blocked it
  14. Notte

    Last words

    Well, as some of you have seen i have been very little active the last dew weeks. And the fact is that after i started on a new school, and I got the mythical thing called " A life" and that dont give a lot of time to gaming!I have a lot more school work and a lot of new friends i want to spend time with. (If im lucky, i have also found a girl that aint a trap!) I just want to say bye to you all I will be around time to time but i wont spend many hour here anymore! And i promise, if I fuck this up i will probally come back to you I will miss you all :'( Feel free to add me at facebook I dont type a lot of english on it but you can see a lot of you school work on it :L http://www.facebook.com/Andreasnyborghansen I will also put some school vids on my youtube channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/NotteTheNut
  15. Just like zombieland! Be a geek and dont talk to anyone!
  16. I have more
  17. :]
  18. :'( You know im joking :]
  19. [Activate auto app reply bot] I say no. You have to spend more time at the IRC . Never seen you before. And dont lie at your age. You can be older than 10! And you have to pay attecion to the English classes! That's all.
  20. I like it messy
  21. First of all, if you haven't seen QTesla in the IRC, you haven't been in the IRC enough. He is one of the biggest spammers :'] But anyways, good luck!
  22. This vid made me believe I have a Very interesting life.
  23. Round starts - noobs die - humans camp - noobs rage quit cuz they can't get close to the humans - ZS don't get new players. To get new players, it have to be possible to noobs to get brains.
  24. Yes it is. Making zombies more OP will result to a 100 percent winning streak for zombies! Zombies is a mess. Humans need team work. Today it's just 20 humans on a top of a hill, trying to get points and better guns.
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