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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Since this isn't in the right section I take my freedom to reply (You should post an unban appeal here)

    Diamond blocks are not registered as diamond ores, and as far as I know diamond ores are the only thing that trigger Clavus' magic plugin. Now, there're 2 options:

    -You lied, which is most likely

    -The X-Ray plugin has banned over 750 players who weren't guilty.

  2. One issue that really needs looking at is the cleanness of threads, especially the hacking reporting topic. People always respond to reports and post irrelevant things that shouldn't be there.

    I think it's ridiculous that the MC admins (Awesomeo, corby, and Whimplash) can't raise warn levels and stuff. There needs to be some way that the threads can be kept clean. Even this thread is getting off topic.

    Sorry if I misspelled anything I'm super tired

    By putting this here, you went off topic aswell. But you're 100% correct, but we've forum mods so mayby you should ask them to raise warn levels more quickly in these kind of topics, because talking about how you got into someone's base has nothing to do with server improvements.

  3. Could the max mobs per chunck be raised please ? I'm sure 100-200 max mobs per chunck wont do any harm.

    I don't know the exact cap (30-50?) but that's even less than an avarage cave contains. Levelling became harder than it should be, and I'm sure we don't want another deflux of players due enchanting problems ...

  4. I'm sure the mobs aren't that big of an issue to be honoust,

    it only causes frame drops in the chuncks around the stack of mobs but I've never experienced more lagg when I had 500 zombies being stacked or no zombies at all. You might get some lagg in the direct area of it but I'm sure it can't possibly effect the entire server that much. Adding an afk plugin will cause more players to download a client mod which makes you jump or w/e and I'm sure we're not trying to get as much persons possibly banned. I've visited a lot more servers with even more players and massive public mob spawners (more than 1000 mobs within 1 chunck) and they do NOT lag horribly outside a few chuncks from the mobs. I don't think this is a solution but more of a disadvantage, a minor of the server.

    It was, i walked near his base and if i came closer than 100 blocks to the spawners it started to lagg very bad.. I tnted there little house sinds it wasnt water protected and walked in, when i finally aribved at the mobs i pressed f3 and ther were 685 mobs !!!! I trew 1 health potion and i was lvl 50 in 1 time!! :D after the mobs being killed it was done with the lagg so it defenatly is cause of the mobs..

    Ps: @clavus howlong does it take before you get kickd?

    Srry for my english, im dutch

    I think the slight 'global' lagg we had will be caused by the 2 extra plugins now so I don't think it's that much of a difference except in the area of the mobs. We'll see what this brings to the server

  5. I'm sure the mobs aren't that big of an issue to be honoust,

    it only causes frame drops in the chuncks around the stack of mobs but I've never experienced more lagg when I had 500 zombies being stacked or no zombies at all. You might get some lagg in the direct area of it but I'm sure it can't possibly effect the entire server that much. Adding an afk plugin will cause more players to download a client mod which makes you jump or w/e and I'm sure we're not trying to get as much persons possibly banned. I've visited a lot more servers with even more players and massive public mob spawners (more than 1000 mobs within 1 chunck) and they do NOT lag horribly outside a few chuncks from the mobs. I don't think this is a solution but more of a disadvantage, a minor of the server.

  6. If anyone can find an isolated dungeon and let me know the co-ords I can do some more testing and see if I can get to the bottom of it.

    We have one that just dissapeared. I'm sure your power can let yourself in to check the spawner closest to bedrock :V

    Otherwise I'll contact you later on steam or IG.

  7. As I logged back in this morning I saw all my animals have been killed, an I can say this is a huge boomer if you've been looking hours for those cows while playing the entire game fair. Besides people flying around and vclipping because nocheat isn't back yet a lot of people even logg out if they think they'll die. As in the current state you must all agree that it is unable to host a pvp server atm without giving hackers and unfair player an INCREDIBLE advantage. And I hope that both admins and topcrew will realise that we need these plugins as fast as possible and if unable we can not host the server atm without loosing all the fair players. These hacks are undetectible, ureportable and unpunishable aswell as the combatlogging is. We can not blame anyone but this is just a big bommer. Because let us be fair, who want's to play on a fresh server when you can't even log out knowing that your base will be safe because of missing plugins. I am NOT blaming topcrew or admins but you have to realise that we will be loosing players that hope to find a fresh server and then loose their hard work because of missing plugins. I think we should wait with the fresh map untill all plugins are fixed because hackers are getting huge advantages due the missing plugins. Mayby we should host something for the pass time but this is just ridicilous. Of course I'm not leaving the server due the community but if you just joined any random server this is a reason to leave and find another one.

    EDIT: I know I complain a lot on the forums due I can not undertake actions myself (yet hopefully) but you have to understand that as an active player it is always different. And if I don't complain here, it wont be known and then suddenly loads of players leave for no reason. I don't like complaining here and I hope you understand that.

  8. Yeah NoCheatPlus is disabled because it's broken. Waiting for it to be updated.

    And the hacker reporting topic is this way:

    I know, no need to report him either since he already has been banned for sprint hacks. I just wondered if that was because of nocheat being disabled.


    You sure? Still better than having a public one..

    Nope because that was the reason Clavus made a public end.

    Overpowered factions that have a monopoly on enderpearls and might be able to cunstruct an endermangrinder which eaquels overpowered items for them 24/7.

  10. Thanks...

    So this could take a while I'm guessing. :o

    It depends,

    the creator of bukkit has loads of work to do seeing the amount of new items added into the game.

    As far as I know he doesn't recieve ANY money from this unless some donations which imo aren't that much (I can be totally wrong I don't got the numbers) You'ld be patient and if you want this guy to hurry up you should go ahead and donate him some money for the great work he has been doing all these years.

    I wonder what happened if he stopped, considering the amount of derp bukkits coming out lately ... :V

  11. the minecraft server realy needs an active admin.

    all the other admins are buzzy with other things.

    so clavus can you take a look at the app.

    the server realy needs a new admin

    Thx I have the same opinion :)

    Hate to say it but I agree

    Don't bother telling the truth, after all you just give positive and constructive critisism which will improve the server so :)

    i agree with headcrusherxd, mathijs looks like a good admin.

    mathijs good luck! :)


  12. Since the pearls are TO overpowered.

    Even walls and ceiling wont stop enderpearls.

    I've known times I could glitch true 5 thick roofs get out of a 80 block deep pit glitch true walls ..

    I know, raiding has become impossible but there's and easy solution:

    allow lava mountains that aren't heigher than 25 blocks for raiding purposes only.

    If a lava mountain is used for anything else this would be bannable.

    Yes it's not that easy to monitor but I think it's something we should try out.

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