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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. I had a root around the web, couldn't find anything. I also checked out a few bases and there weren't any signs of duping so hopefully the OP was just talking hypothetically.

    He was actually talking without prior knowledge and making sweeping assumptions. His logic pattern most likely follows this-

    I have few diamonds > Diamonds are hard to find > A few factions have a large number of members with full diamond armor > Duping exploits have happened before with similar results > Therefore all factions with full diamond armour must be dupers.

    It makes sense, but it forgets a large number of other variables.

    True, but duping is pointless, stupid, and lazy. Diamonds are easier to find in this map, I found a few at layer 30. If diamonds become very rare, it could become easier to catch dupers. I got 19 diamonds in total from mining. No duping. It takes 26 diamonds to make a full set of armor and a sword. But, the last thing may be right. In my singleplayer world I have 140 diamonds, and despite the fact I have a Fortune III enchanted pick, it took me a few months to earn those fair and square.

    If, say, a faction had 10 people, and they all had diamond armor and swords, it would equal to 260 diamonds. No faction would have gotten them via trade, and by the time everyone has diamond armor the base has to have already been raided or the diamonds stolen.

    This map has a lower frequency of ores compared to default spawning, yet my faction with 8 people, only 4 of which get on frequently, have 4 full sets of diamond. I don't want to say much else, because I'm sure people will raid us. But let's just suffice to say we won't have a shortage soon.

    It's taken us all of a week and a half to obtain all of that.

    My point is this- Raiding pays off quite well.

    25 man faction, 5 stacks diamond blocks.

    Just go raid the xrayers, dupers, other client users or exploiters.

    We got em fair and square tough those diamonds weren't fairly obtained by the raiding targets.

  2. The server broadcasts that client mods aren't allowed (If I remember correctly) and you should read the rules for yourself when you play on a new server.

    Anyway, 'ThatOneChick' that posted this picture with proof of herself using a Nodus client appears to be TheMain1


  3. Do not post in here to discuss the contest. That's what the main topic is for.

    Submit your contest entries here in the following format:

    1. Names of players that helped build the structure
    2. Map coordinates
    3. Description of your structure, game and game rules (detailed!)
    4. Screenshots / videos

    It's your responsibility to keep your entry in good shape before I start judging. So make sure you keep the area claimed and your faction holds enough power.

    You can submit entries until July 6th, 23:59 (GMT+1).

    i hope u already looked at minen becuze one of my stupid members let a guy in and thers no fixing it now.

    I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you come clean now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will ban you.

    Minecraft, it's serious business.

    quoting movies nice, good choice. quoting fail

    I'm sorry but I think you'll have to try fixing it :V

    heres the thing i had a glass dome above covered in lava thers no glass anymore i could fix it if some one could remove all the lava i could fix it in like an hour and i i siad some one let a griefer in my fac

    Your responsibility to only have thrusted members/mods. Helping you out with worldedit would be unfair.


  4. UPDATE :V


    Killer's Exclusive

    Dillinger's Duffel

    Stereoscopic shades

    Changed the stereoscopic shades with the professer's specs. It looks better :)



    Team Captain

    Fancy dress uniform

    Lord's beard


    Last Breath

    Stockbroker's Scarf

    Horiffic headsplitter.

    Sniper (When finished Scout/Soldier/Pyro)


    Crocodile Smile

    Medic (When finished Scout/Soldier/Pyro)

    Surgeon's stallhelm

    Physician's procedure mask

    Surgeon's Sthetoscope

    If you wanne sell, contact on steam :V

    Almost out of money, though there's 2 keys comming soon :V

  5. Do not post in here to discuss the contest. That's what the main topic is for.

    Submit your contest entries here in the following format:

    1. Names of players that helped build the structure
    2. Map coordinates
    3. Description of your structure, game and game rules (detailed!)
    4. Screenshots / videos

    It's your responsibility to keep your entry in good shape before I start judging. So make sure you keep the area claimed and your faction holds enough power.

    You can submit entries until July 6th, 23:59 (GMT+1).

    i hope u already looked at minen becuze one of my stupid members let a guy in and thers no fixing it now.

    I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you come clean now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will ban you.

    Minecraft, it's serious business.

    quoting movies nice, good choice. quoting fail

    I'm sorry but I think you'll have to try fixing it :V

  6. Cba to find pictures but heres What Im working towards


    Purple 'Your worst nightmare' -Still need paint

    Outback Intellectual - None

    Huntsman - Got

    S. Jarate - Got

    S. Bushwaka - Got


    White Fancy Fedora - Got, but in green May just keep it like it is though

    White Made man - Got

    Black Rogues Coule rou - Got it just not painted

    S. Enforcer - Got but not strange

    S. Dead Ringer - Got

    Black rose - Got

    I got Purple paint :V Contact me on steam :)

  7. No point in going SLI with that cpu.

    That's mainly because of your video card. My friend has a shitty CPU, like 2.2 ghz and it plays Arma II like a gem.

    It's not always about the GHz, it's more about the architecture.

    If you read the wiki from Kefeteus you could even build your own Graphics Card

  8. Yes but you have to be sure that your PSU (Power Supply Unit) is able to give enough power for a second video card or a better video card.

    How do I get to know that ?

    Ehm normally you should know what stuff is in your pc when you buy it :V

    You'll have to open the PC up and take a look. The Power supply only provides power, and does not interface with the computer any other way... therefore you cannot see the power supply as a device, and there is no software that can interact with it. It's easy to spot the PSU (power supply unit) when looking inside the computer, just look for where the external power cable connects into. You'll have a make, model and output wattage marked on the unit somewhere.

  9. Alright.

    I don't have the money for a new pc, I do have the money for a new video card,

    if a video card will make it able for me to normally play at a low resolution.

    Yes but you have to be sure that your PSU (Power Supply Unit) is able to give enough power for a second video card or a better video card.

    Also check if it's compatible with your motherboard/CPU etc. I would also download windows 7 of piratebay since Vista is a bitch (I've had it a long time aswell)

  10. This error has been haunting me for to long :(

    Games do not run after 'Preparing to Launch'

    So I decided to fix it with this

    But ofcourse updating everything and fixing windows C++ DirectX and all that craps takes time and patience, which I don't have :(

    So minkey, me and turbo'll miss the train to Clavus' Badass Greenies Camp [CBGC].

    We'll try and get to the camp ourselves, when I fixed the crap ;V

  11. Hi again ...

    It was my birthday and I had some friends to come over and sleep. Next day I come on and my friend Turbo has been trolling around on the server with serious consequences. My alt M4D3 has been banned for potion spamming which is apparently abusing your creative mode. I know it's just fucking retarded to do something like this and I will smack my friend in the face. I hope I do get unbanned for the reason that the rules weren't that clear. It was clearly said: Don't abuse creative. But not everybody understands the same under abusing creative mode. I know it's a fucking waste of time what he did and he just annoyed the crap out of the people he was throwing potions at, but could this account be unbanned when the contest is over?

    Sorry for the waste of your time and the amount of threads that have been spammed about this accident. I will prevent that this will repeat itself in the future. In case this happens again you can throw a permaban at me.


    Members are only allowed to reply to topics when they are involved.

    Your warn level will be increased if you do not comply.

  12. Hi again ...

    It was my birthday and I had some friends to come over and sleep. Next day I come on and my friend Turbo has been trolling around on the server with serious consequences. My alt M4D3 has been banned for potion spamming which is apparently abusing your creative mode. I know it's just fucking retarded to do something like this and I will smack my friend in the face. I hope I do get unbanned for the reason that the rules weren't that clear. It was clearly said: Don't abuse creative. But not everybody understands the same under abusing creative mode. I know it's a fucking waste of time what he did and he just annoyed the crap out of the people he was throwing potions at, but could this account be unbanned when the contest is over?

    Sorry for the waste of your time and the amount of threads that have been spammed about this accident. I will prevent that this will repeat itself in the future. In case this happens again you can throw a permaban at me.

  13. Guys and Girls. On Wednesday I had my appendicks taken out (i know i cant spell).

    I came back yesterday to go on nl.

    I saw * anonymous* spamming potions over this faction. So I though FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

    So I went and did it then someone told me this was bannable so i checked the thread.

    so what if you have hacks and you don't know its not allowed and you came behind its banable you will be pardoned?

    What has hacking to do with spamming right klicks ?

    And since when did trolling get bannnable ? I don't see the point to ban someone because he throws potions at you. Yes it's annoying and if he chooses to do that he's a fucking bitch. On the other side, where can I find the rule that throwing potions at someone is bannable ?

    I'm just entering the discussion since my alt got banned by Turbo for doing the same thing which is ridiculous.

  14. I'm currently in Zelenogorsk with Xeim, heading north with him to meet up with you guys.

    I'll likely leave my stuff with you, then suicide and head back to the shore to pick up the new people (if they join us this weekend).

    Me and Turbo will join this weekend :V

  15. So I was on my alt M4D3 and I came on. I was stuck in a wall so I f homed, nothing happened. F homed again and first kick.

    Got back managed to f home then said hi 2 times and got kicked again.

    I got back on and the next thing I see is me falling in a worldhole so I said ffs but that didn't appear in chat. 10 Seconds later I said it again and there you go => Ban :(

    Hope I get unbanned soon


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