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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. The video explains everything. People hacked the server again or something.

    Dear Ooga,

    The only way this could've happened is that

    -you got hacked and they demolished everything you had

    -our beloved admins did it They wouldn't even dare to do that to you (;

    -you didn't owner everything and your friend just raped your base

    This can't be done by other people UNLESS they hacked the server and made theirselves OP so they could join your faction and mod theirselves.

    I don't know what happened but I'm sure this doesn't involve hackers.

    Mathijs I had all the stuff I had when i logged of. Davidx7 is my brother and he didnt have the stuff either. And my chest room was ownered, I showed you that in the vid.

    Still a hacker can't have done this.

    You can't 'hack' the faction wars plugin

  2. The video explains everything. People hacked the server again or something.

    Dear Ooga,

    The only way this could've happened is that

    -you got hacked and they demolished everything you had

    -our beloved admins did it They wouldn't even dare to do that to you (;

    -you didn't owner everything and your friend just raped your base

    This can't be done by other people UNLESS they hacked the server and made theirselves OP so they could join your faction and mod theirselves.

    I don't know what happened but I'm sure this doesn't involve hackers.

  3. The next update will be released at halloween, they always update at halloween.

    Lowering to 50 slots would be okay but keep in mind if you're improving the server, do you really want to reduce the numbers at the same time? That seems very counter intuitive considering it DOES still get full every day.

    Completely agree on decreasing map size, it doesnt need to be that big - the maps used to be FAIRLY small in retrospect and I think its better if they were like that now - I think the fact you need portals and teleports and that people always bug themselves to spawn is a good sign of that. Also ditch large biomes - it kinda sucks, :V

    And as for Janitors, I'm not doing that next map: To cut a long story short, I'm pretty much doing it alone, its extremely time consuming without world edit / creative (admins in the faction dont play anymore) and its just not fun when I cant put on the events I want to, so don't worry about that next map. I'm gonna carry it on till then, try and do 3 events, wont rely on TC for green coins n stuff though..

    Just, mainly, fix the lag.. It never used to be an issue until a few maps ago, and we had a 40 slot server back then when it ran smoothly!

    Totally agree and I'm looking forward to the upcoming events. Be sure that everyone knows when they take place etc.

    About the slots; We can always put them back up when the lagg has decreased. It's not that big of an issue anyway but 10 VIP slots isn't needed.

    Matthijs Mathijs raises some good points, so I will take those into account for next map. We'll probably restart again with the next Minecraft release, which shouldn't be too far off according to Jeb.

    Thanks a lot.

    I'm looking forward.

    Don't be bothered about writing my name wrong, one T is the flemish way of the dutch known MaTThijs

  4. It is clear now that the server needs attention.

    Yes minecraft is the worst game ever to have massive multiplayer pvp but it's still possible.

    There are more than enough solutions to make our server run perfect but this will cost loads of money and a massive server upgrade included buying extra RAM etc.

    I'm pretty sure the TC isn't looking forward to invest that much into the minecraft server so we'll have to come up with cheaper ways that will help our server out.

    In my opinion the world can be even smaller. Even on this map there's still 90% unclaimed and 50% of the factions are concentrated near spawn. Making the world half as small has no down sides for now, since the decrease of players.

    A decrease in player slots from 60 to 50 will mean no harm. The extra 10 VIP slots aren't needed since the server isn't full so they can be decreased by 50% (-5 slots).

    As for the current plugins that are running for the server I think we're okay. We don't got fancy CPU/RAM taking plugins that have no use at all.

    If ANYONE has any other suggestions please leave em on this thread. It'll help the server WAY more than just reporting it's lagging like shit 24/7.


    -As for Janitors base, I think it should be moved more towards the worlds border next map. It's peacefull territory in the middle of the map is ruining some pvp and it has no use whatever being in the middle of the map. I'm sure Minkey/Awesomeo/Whimplash wouldn't mind that the base will be moved to the side of the next map (If the map gets decreased aswell otherwise it'll do if it's just not in the middle of the map)

    -Disable large biomes please. I know it looks all fancy but the current world is 60% water and swamps. Which is extremely annoying and doesn't contribute to pvp at all.

    P.p.s. If I'm wrong on the plauyers slots (#amount) they can still be lowered. If it's to low you'll hear it from players complaining 24/7 they can't join the server.

  5. Here you go Tinnel XD

    6 separate fights gradually reducing my weapons.

    This is why prot. armor is OP.

    Note: The Hypercam recording program speeds things up a little bit, also I'm on a speed potion if you're wondering why I am going so fast.

    Pirate Fraps

    So I've been told. But I have no idea how (or if I want to).

    Argh mate

    Be sure to click 'Get his torrent' and not 'Download'

    Ahye, you must install µtorrent first.

    Easiest thing in the world

  6. Does anyone have any idea how the prices of the AWPer Hand will go ?

    Atm I can sell mine for 3 keys (genuine).

    There are a crap load of lowballers with offers between 1-2 keys but everyone wants it so it'll probably raise.

    I'm willing to sell my AWPer Hand for profit ofc. but if it the price will raise I'm pretty much screwed.

    Anyone that has any suggestions on what to do ?

  7. The pvp plugin will not work if the server crashes,

    unless the server didn't crash and your internet sucks.

    I was playin with my friend and he's from a different state than me and he also lost connection

    Different state ?

    Are you guys from the USA ? That would explain the 'server lagg', you're far far away from the host.

  8. MrTurboTrio can you please stop respecting Mathijs all the time. We all know that his respects are fake ones if YOU always respect his shit. Even if its stupid. Sorry for this but its annoying to see fake respects all the time :(

    Yeah, was kinda thinking the same thing. It's a bit ridiculous.

    Anyways, good luck I guess.

    If you think turbo waisted 16 days of his life repping every post he could (max of 5 a day) then sure. I got plenty of fake respect.

    Besides that, Ooga's post was completely off topic. I even didn't get any reputation from mrturbotrio on this topic besides mayby the original post. If he actually klicked the green 1 he could've seen that someone else repped that post.

    Anywayss Thanks

  9. The minecraft server will be moved to fenrir, and the slots (and hopefully the lag) will be reduced.

    it gets extremely laggy when you pvp nowadays

    Yes server is more stable but fenrir runs windows, Iris runs linux which is better with java. So in theory Iris should be better with the Mc server.

    I hope the reduced slots and worldsize will make up with the server running on Microsoft on Fenrir. If it does, we should get better stability

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