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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by rogue

  1. rogue

    1 to a 1000

  2. You get the point. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I did like the Medic idea. It's a pitty that they don't put in any Medic class in it, but maybe they thought about it cause they put in the 'Medic/Sani!' shouts (though you can only use them by binding a key to it), which I spam in-game nowadays. ^^ yeah its kinda strange that they have medic calls in the game and no medic
  3. + (my suggestion) -Steady sniper -Fast MG reload -Extra grenades on any class (with rifleman Extra launcher grenade and More Bazooka rockets) -No Zoom out after sniper shot -Extra Sprint speed on Assault class -More MG bullets -(Dont know sure bout this) !medic class Those are all lame suggestions for lamers. Extra sprint for Assault? No zoom out for snipers? STEADY SNIPER?! I don't want noobs like you to ruin my game with those features. It's bad enough with the campers and assault noobs already, so don't give them any more reasons to camp more and pick lame classes more. VforV you are totally wrong this topic is for ideas so.... HE HAS SOME IDEAS maybe you are like: ''SHIT IDEAS'' but they are ideas and they are fun makes playing DOD:S much more funner +100 for LASTION but dont make them to overpowered thats what V is talking about i think. this will destroy the good gameplay that dods has.
  4. rogue

    An issue

    Start/ Control panel/ system and security you can find it up there
  5. rogue

    An issue

    try to remove your clientregistery.blob this blob will replace automatic when you open steam again. this helps most of times when steam has problems with dont connecting to servers
  6. haha disco inferno!
  7. We still waiting for that answer. i hope it will be fixed
  8. COOL!
  9. then you still got the problem because there are not many medics that stand afk in the respawn. but if a medic is ingame and shooting it will still refill. but this not so fast if you still heal somebody so its still the same. and that dont solve the problem that we are talking about. it will be still the same
  10. its time for a picture in your profile

  11. there are now more guys with the super charge ywa. before the green coins stuff there only where 5/6 guys with that charger that played mostly in the servers. now there are much more
  12. me as MEDIC agrees with that. the self healer of the medic is good enough
  13. yeah i see a lot of guys just leaving this server for that and there are more guys that want to leave it. and that are all guys that play for 2 years now in the server and know how to play it right.
  14. If you think that giving all the fast-ubers on a good player and always joining the winnig team is teamwork i dont get it. and i always talking against the players what they need to do but thats just not a go because that 6 guys just always come with an uber just hiding around a corner or the medic is camping at spawn for a uber;-/. and i dont think this is teamwork. they dont even need teamwork for so much fast ubers;-/.
  15. that where only 5 guys i remember including me. but they never played all together in one team and not even played all every time medic. now you got a lot of guys that all want the fast uber. because that's the big advantage. so now you got more guys with fast ubers and the guys that donated before for there fast ubers in the old system don't even playing any more because this is happened and because there was a epic class update (soldier/demo that fucked up the game a little bit). i would like to see the guys with non fast ubers. then you can see again who are the best medics. i got the fast uber ass well but i dont care if i loose it i played medic before the donater stuff but i had still a good score so. and that would be a good change for the pl server. i play in the cp server ass well but in the cp server it isn't so stacked. but i play now 2/3 years in the pl server and dont want to leave the server. but if this still going on i will make a change to the cp/ctf server and or the koth server (but there are not many good players in koth so that's boring) ''charge and sometimes 2 who'd just launch it right after each other. You get used to that.'' not every minute i believe. thats just the problem in pl and engie yeah its fucked up with the new class update. they got too much advantage if they shoot pipebombs at your sentry or rockets. i think they got more damage now. check i dont think that its true. never saw a demo destroying a sentry with 2 epic pipebombs before. its just annoying to play engie right now.
  16. I agree with wally the teams are super stacked. there are always the same 6 guys in one team and only playing heavy medic with there super charges. i never complained before but this is just epic i always could make a change in the fail team but against 3 medic heavy pairs with 3 fast ubers its just impossible. i play medic asswell with fast uber but if they got 3 fast ubers and camping for there ubers in corners:-( (epic) they got much more ubers and just win the match in 1/2 minutes. i have seen a lot of guys (this guys playing for 1/2 years in the servers now) just leaving this server of this epic things happening in the pl server. my favorite class is medic and i would say, just delete the fast uber. thats the whole problem. or just make the price of the fast uber not 6500 but 20000. its so much advantage. then there are not so many guys with the fast uber and is it still fun. and this is one of the reasons nobody plays engi any more.
  17. its better if you say the date and time earlier, so everyone can prepare for it and do you use dedicated?. then i need to know the ports you use because i never can join dedicated servers so i need to set some ports open
  18. Axis, I wanna pwn rouge Come and get it Why is nobody joins allies. everyone wants to pwn me?. my class will be assault
  19. Put me on the list. Allies plaease
  20. i know but hmm hard to explain i need to know what you have got. you got a controll point and.... you need a thing for capturing it you need to see ingame that someone is taking it so its turning blue real slowly and i think with that thing you can change the capture limit i dont know it for sure. He means a king of the hill control point.
  21. they added a new blueprint or lets say they updated one. you can now get scrap metal too if you craft 3 weapons of one class:D. example: 2 flare guns and one backburner.
  22. rogue

    ban appeal

    why you got kicked for teamkilling? I got 3 teamkills in the servers and thats just the fould of the sentrys. I dont get it why you are being kicked by that. You cant do anything about that . I think he kicked you for this;-/
  23. Happy new year
  24. Feel the POWER of Rogue
  25. here are some of my pictures:D 9 Dominations 250 Points 27 Deflect rockets in 7 days 8 Dominations And i got a lot more of those pictures:D Last week i got 288 points in pl_dustbowl but i was to late to make a picture of that.
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