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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyBlue

  1. look at 1:12 in video... ??
  2. idk why u make this topic if theres a topic about and u know it perfectly... http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/6995-screenshot-video-thread/
  3. its bugged as fuck
  4. omg, mta in spanish
  5. So they cant join and make the tops again or what?
  6. Ohhh i remember when i used to play TheSims first game in a so old pc and i changed the wav music sounds to Sistem Of A Down music lol... 10/10
  7. Yay, the third and i hope the last topic about this lol. Kali, someone fucked or fucking awesome spawn with this green face
  8. OJOS PLS OJOS PLS edit: i forgot to put the video to see the differences, no more stucked shit:
  9. if the script work for the race I do, I have some good maps to use It works, Dogshit made a map with a sript like that some time ago... "OMGWTFBBQ!"
  10. Ojos pls..
  11. isnt my problem but how u can say "grow up" and make a topic about this stupid bullshit, noone care if kali or moronccan killed you and SH lol :s
  12. When i read "Retards mta admin app" i thought this topic was going about that players that play 2 months and make an Admin Application lol.. ah, good luck.
  14. or aeris rip in final fantasy 7(?
  15. Yo, a fix of Skyblue_E.T map; https://mega.co.nz/#!DVNQmSAD!H1blJ2SCg_ZqhN89N6xqOR5VoTqK4vWk_374rmqp-Dw
  16. Yay, another quick topic that will die in 3 days so.. Have u ever cryed with a game? I cryed with The Walking Dead End, Valiant Hearts End and ToTheMoon End
  17. Survival Games without perks, what i mean with perks? That guys that pay Gcs to have armor, equipment and swords. Custom maps An object that be 1-5 gcs inside chests Prices: Gcs or other stuff, idk...
  18. No, this script made me stop playing in alw race server C:
  19. I cant see a shit too https://soundcloud.com/flux-pavilion/flux-pavilion-i-cant-stop
  20. lol
  21. Truth of the matter is , alot of people stayed here for the GC, to mod their cars, buy maps, or to compensate for their dick size. People spend countless of hours on these servers, so to call all of the things they achieve with a core mechanic of Mr. Green, "not very important" is simply not true. You may not find it very important, but people that spend alot of their time with us do, and in my opinion, that's what matters. Things that happened, happened. But the least we can do is learn from mistakes. Look at anton, dat guy bought everycar lol and i dont think he donated.. 550gcs x 63cars= 34,650 34,650 of cars +15,000 of paintjob 2,500 of a horn (just in case he just bought one) 1,500 of a skin 350 of a map (all the people bought a map in his life) ------------------ 54,000 gcs played lol...
  22. This is the largest name i ever see in my forum life. People play in mta servers just for gcs
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