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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyBlue

  1. Thanks brodies, u r awesum.
  2. Easiest Paintjob tutorial: 1.-Search or make a square image. 2.-Save it inside %mtasa_folder%\mods\deathmatch\resources\gcshop (jpg,bmp,png,whothehellcares) 3.-Go the server, select Paintjob and write the name of the picture "mipene.jpg, hola.png nose.bmp" Or you can download this "pack" with cool pjs http://www.mediafire.com/download/5d3mzyrimv3z8vr/Items.rar Or you can watch this video that i made a long time ago But its in spanish.
  3. Thanks, guys
  4. Gameserver: MTA Age: 19 Country of origin: Mexico Link to steam community profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/imskyblue& http://steamcommunity.com/id/imskybluemw3 Minecraft name: LPlastilinaMosh Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Look who made an app, guys. Gentlemen, as you can see in the last months, since SergioRiv retired himself from admins/MapUploader job there's a chaos with maps, there isn't a constant mapuploader, or someone that really cares the thing, no, i'm not blaming face or warp or any other admins that have this job, but since i dont have anything to do and im on pc/work the most of the day i can help with this job, guys. Also i know that you are modifying a lot of things in the server and i can give you a hand with them. And since i live in this side of the world and i play the most of the times on the night, on that time its weird the moment when we have an admin, its like 4 am in the other side.
  5. Sir Kali, i want to log in to soundcloud instead make a playlist, thanks.
    1. michaelwang22


      Oooooooh poor fella who's getting trolled :')

    2. SkyBlue


      i kkep without getting wtf r u sayin

  7. Well, i dont want to give u bad rep but you dont understand english, i tried to have a conversation with you like a week ago and you werent able to keep a simple conversation, you need to practice the english, bro, you can try with this: https://pl.duolingo.com/ ps: good luck
  8. Wow, 300gcs, its the end of the world... No lol.. but if something is bugged maybe someone would lose all his greencoins? Just thinking one step further. We dont need to look to the future!!!1 stay in the past! past is awesome, why u think elders are smart!!!? cuz they are old and have fucked all them live with awesome girl murderfcuker go to another forum lashdjañsdñjishghañorfmñ-d Ah k, thanks for the notification.
  9. Oh damn, that map would be so freakin awesome in mix, like marathon, gosh, naughty. Probably with more bigger and more checkpoints
  10. That means Kodauer and RedGander projects are cancelled? And congratz Balmung, seems like you are a pretty good guy, i like you although you dont.
  11. Wow, 300gcs, its the end of the world...
  12. isnt a paintjob
  13. Including Kali.. there are only 2 scripters lol
  14. 7/10
  15. write an admin application please, this server is in desperate needs of some brain. Not seeing how this is related, but ok Its real, you guys need more scripters..
  16. is it a paintjob or a effect? ask kalibwoy lol
  17. Boo! android sux
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