Gameserver: MTA Age: 19 Country of origin: Mexico Link to steam community profile: Minecraft name: LPlastilinaMosh Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Look who made an app, guys. Gentlemen, as you can see in the last months, since SergioRiv retired himself from admins/MapUploader job there's a chaos with maps, there isn't a constant mapuploader, or someone that really cares the thing, no, i'm not blaming face or warp or any other admins that have this job, but since i dont have anything to do and im on pc/work the most of the day i can help with this job, guys. Also i know that you are modifying a lot of things in the server and i can give you a hand with them. And since i live in this side of the world and i play the most of the times on the night, on that time its weird the moment when we have an admin, its like 4 am in the other side.