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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyBlue

  1. Face upload my maps ffs. aaaadmiral.rar
  2. I've been playing some DD this early morning (aka 2am) and i need to say it, its better without the "5,4,3,2,1, CHANGE CAR", now people dont camp waiting the car change because they even read the console message saying "Changing car in 5 seconds" lol
  3. So give me reason to prove me wrong, to wash this memory cleannnn

  4. dff's change the handling, speed and that stuff of the car, thats why u cant play here with theme, u can add all the txd's u want.
  5. sdk pls.. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/532873149636616406/6CE076BCAA8EACFA03134C62E61B735422D384D3/
  6. Legend has it that once upon a time an ugly admin called face never checked my maps topic.

  7. report: [sH]samba do brasil by vini. Walls without hitbox
  8. Now everybody from the 313 Put your motherfucking hands up and follow me Everybody from the 313, put your motherfucking hands up and follow me!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SkyBlue


      The Free World's got you gassed up

      Now who's afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

    3. lame shot

      lame shot

      1, 2, 3 and to the 4

      1 pac , 2 pac, 3 pac, 4

      4 pac, 3 pac, 2 pac, 1

      You're pac, he's pac, no pacs, none

    4. SkyBlue


      This guy ain't no motherfucking MC

      I know everything he's 'bout to say against me

      I am white, I am a fucking bum

      I do live in a trailer with my mom

      My boy Future is an Uncle Tom

      I do got a dumb friend named Cheddar Bob

      Who shoots himself in his leg with his own gun

  9. SkyBlue


    lol, this shit..
  10. SkyBlue


    I know this isnt relationated with forums or some server but i have this problem, everytime i want to click something on google chrome random webpages start opening like this: http://wishstargames.com/baseredirect.php?url=%3A%2F%2Fadstrx.com%2F%3Fa%3D5230%26c%3D208%26s2%3Di7ifgmaf_649_26686899 http://www.be2.com.mx/v3mod/fabmxm4002-be2-mexico-seniors-40?partnerid=01MXb_51_1891_3&linkid=5230_&subid=164419113 http://zym.tollbahsuburban.com/sd/dw32.html?u=http%3A%2F%2Fplh.tractionize.com%2FWhiteLabelBidRequestHandlerServlet%3Foid%3D1%26width%3D1%26height%3D100%26pubid%3D9400%26tagid%3D1003%26noaop%3D1%26revmod%3DCRD%26cb%3Dcybabw%26encoded%3D1%26cirf%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.freedom.tm%2F%26pstn%3D94001003&p=LinkSicle&a=&c=9400-1003&b=chrome&bv=37&t1=1412046976712&tt=1412046976713&r=www.freedom.tm&ua=5&n=convertmedia&sn=&mpa=0&mp=0 And a lot more, also when i select something a weird icon appears lol: I have free trial version of Karsperky Antivirus (i rebooted the pc) and im waiting it to finish to the install avast. The only programs i've download are this: So if someone can tell me what to delete or do will be gratified with a pixel cookie, thanks
  11. Sincerelly not a good idea. Why? Because all of we dont have the same ping, i always have 180-200 ms, the most of the times i dont want to ram someone or someone dont want to ram me but it just happen. Put the /k command in Race its a better idea, but RACE admins need to choose who will have it and who wont, the mix /k users arent trained for this job, this isnt dd or shooter. edit: i didnt saw the mosh's post.
  12. Ok, give me the /k, i can handle this.
  13. lol guys, you need to play with the same account, not the same IP, use different names if you want but just use the same greencoins account.
  14. turk turk turk turk da da da
  15. i live here noobs.. and look my country is so close to (O)_(O) and wonas. i live in a small city called Azemmour,you might like it if you are a beach fan,YOU ARE SO WELCOME <3333 The only morocco place ill go its Melilla because there are spain sexy bitches, i saw them at La Reina Del Sur
  16. why the fuck my topic always get ignored?
  17. Theres no need to be like that this with vinii, yea, the most of the time is a stupid and its annoying on forums, i was like him when i was ~dQ__Qb~ and it isnt because he wants to, everybody acts like you act in the server the fist time you join the forum, you think is fun and trolling stuff but it isnt when u understand it, people start hating you and the funny posts arent funny with the time, at least Vini helped us with his topic about mappers in the last days. Vini, theres no need of this, if you want to play on DoN, FFS or whatever other server just do it, there isnt necessary to put it on a post, people dont care if you leave the server, just do it, or stop beeing stupid on forums, yea, probably you think you are funny, but think about the others, they are more mature than you and think this isnt funny, "FUCK THE OTHERS I DONT CARE IM FABOLOUS", yes you are, but we dont care for the moment, just think about it. seeya
  18. 7/10
  19. Pin the topic is the same as is now and if only contributor can comment then how i can ask u something about the tutorial?
  20. Hallo, hey guys i just want to suggest a subforum for this tutorials inside MTA forum, like Safehouse forum: Why this? Because Vini and the other guys are making a so good work with this tutorials but we keep commenting or putting stuff in the topic, also right now are only 3 pages but in a future will be a lot more of pages so we will need to search page per page a tutorial. With a Subforum we can make a better order and easier way to find tutorials, each tutorial will have it own topic so, each topic has: Tutorial + Questions from players to the tutorial maker, so why not? Just a suggestion...
  21. que pasa rutilofilo. http://www.mediafire.com/download/gldmw8tbo10vcii/--breakingbad.rar
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