Theres no need to be like that this with vinii, yea, the most of the time is a stupid and its annoying on forums, i was like him when i was ~dQ__Qb~ and it isnt because he wants to, everybody acts like you act in the server the fist time you join the forum, you think is fun and trolling stuff but it isnt when u understand it, people start hating you and the funny posts arent funny with the time, at least Vini helped us with his topic about mappers in the last days. Vini, theres no need of this, if you want to play on DoN, FFS or whatever other server just do it, there isnt necessary to put it on a post, people dont care if you leave the server, just do it, or stop beeing stupid on forums, yea, probably you think you are funny, but think about the others, they are more mature than you and think this isnt funny, "FUCK THE OTHERS I DONT CARE IM FABOLOUS", yes you are, but we dont care for the moment, just think about it. seeya