HelloOoO! I am going to tell you how to prop kill. Its the easiest way to kill a human chap, so why not!? Basically the steps are- 1. Plan your kill. Look at object, location and person before attempting to propkill them 2. Look at object. Build up courage- You can do this!! Believe in yourself. 3. Hit object (thats left click btw ) BUT look away at where you want the object to go BEFORE your zombie makes contact with it!! annnd that it. It should go flying through the air by now, If not just keep practising and you'll get it! : Objects I would recommend prop killing someone with are objects that are small and can travel at fast speeds through the air; like Wheels, Paint Cans and Baskets Thats all I can think of at this time. Yeah this will probably come back to haunt me as all of you will be able to prop-kill me all the time now. Oh well!