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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. Any chance you know Giant Bomb.Com?


  3. I watched some of the episodes and they are really really good! when I have some more free time I am going to definetly watch them all.. Cheers for the link
  4. Yup! didnt say it was cheap Had to save up for ages to get it but its worth it
  5. holy crap.
  6. lmao!
  7. lol.. silly me
  8. I use a Canon 400D. Its a good camera Thats a lot of snow!! where do you live?
  9. ahh kk! will try and convert them. Thanks **Done! Couldnt get a higher resolution version tho :l Still, thanks clav ^^ **
  10. Yup! went to boston with my girlfriend about 2 years ago Cool Place
  11. Hi! My names Robbie, also known as RoboRobb to you I live in London, England and I am a Graphic Designer and Photographer I thought I would share with you some of my photography........ enjoy Let me know what you think Boston1.bmp Boston2.bmp Boston4.bmp Boston11.bmp Boston13.bmp Boston20.bmp Boston22.bmp
  12. Hello Bob! I remember playing zombie mod with you around the first few times I played on the server Good to see you on the forums
  13. Normal.
  14. You cant really stop glitchers... best thing to do i find is stay away from the walls or ceiling when fighting for your life in one place... its pretty tricky then for them to glitch you.
  15. This is pretty intense and messed up
  16. Tick tock tick tock. *wait* *still waiting*
  17. Using a fast headcrab is scummy. I personally feel dirty after killing someone with it, only nublins I feel are allowed to use them. If your not a newb, then I am forced to shout violently at you, if you were to kill me in such an annoying way
  18. Sert that was really really stupid to even try to do something like that... You should of known that doing that stuff will just end up making more problems for you than anything.
  19. Yeah I was trying to think of a name for those so I just thought plastic baskets lol
  20. HelloOoO! I am going to tell you how to prop kill. Its the easiest way to kill a human chap, so why not!? Basically the steps are- 1. Plan your kill. Look at object, location and person before attempting to propkill them 2. Look at object. Build up courage- You can do this!! Believe in yourself. 3. Hit object (thats left click btw ) BUT look away at where you want the object to go BEFORE your zombie makes contact with it!! annnd that it. It should go flying through the air by now, If not just keep practising and you'll get it! : Objects I would recommend prop killing someone with are objects that are small and can travel at fast speeds through the air; like Wheels, Paint Cans and Baskets Thats all I can think of at this time. Yeah this will probably come back to haunt me as all of you will be able to prop-kill me all the time now. Oh well!
  21. Clavus. I beg you make this hat. It is the ultimate hat. Plus we need to stay 'hydrated' with our beers during a zombie apocalypse. Beer Hats Love us all!! (thats not me in the pic btw) Thanks Robo
  22. Thank ya!
  23. I have been looking everywhere for how to bind certain weapons to my keyboard... It just doesnt seem to work at all! All i want to do Is bind a particular weapon to a key so that I dont cycle through them slowly and end up getting turned into dog food! The closest Ive got to this working is - Bind m "sk_max_pistol" ---I think this is a half life 2 cheat bind v "ma_give weapon_m4a1" - I think this is a counter strike cheat Both of these dont work. Blah, I am confused, I dont know where to look. Any help? Thanks
  24. OMG THATS AMAZING!! I know what im wearing once this update comes out!!!
  25. lol thats amazing . Please make a hat similar to that but I mean a proper top hat; like this - I would wear this top hat in honor!!
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