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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RoboRobb

  1. The original Dawn of the Dead is awesome, prob the best Zombie film ever. Though both 28 days & weeks are incredible too I love Shaun of the Dead too Yeah I like Zombie Films
  2. Im always on the server. We only really need to kick players with over 150ping, and thats minimum as thats when it starts to affect gameplay (harder to hit them or whatever). Lag from players supposedly doesn't affect the server, so its "server lag"(?)
  3. Chems are fine! they arent over powered or whatever.. Just try not to let them get too close to you really
  4. Structures look pretty advanced for your first few attempts at map making. If your going to try and make it quite moody, concentrate on the lighting is prob what I would suggest - But to be honest im not a map making god Im just the eye candy.
  5. I demand a gun that fires bikes.
  6. LoL
  7. lol @ playing Gmod in your Pants I do that too, when I wake up, I am still sleeping so I just go and sit in front of my computer, only wearing pants and a t-shirt, it's really nice, you should try it what about fully nude? or is that a bit too 'nippy'? Nah, that's just disgusting, are you dirty or something, cause you think like that? Put short - Yes. I can be dead dirt'ay for you Danni!
  8. Say something about the user above you... pretty self explanatory Maybe quote the user above to avoid confusion...
  9. lol @ playing Gmod in your Pants I do that too, when I wake up, I am still sleeping so I just go and sit in front of my computer, only wearing pants and a t-shirt, it's really nice, you should try it what about fully nude? or is that a bit too 'nippy'?
  10. lol @ playing Gmod in your Pants
  11. Hmm LAME. I thought I had 10mb :l They Lied!
  12. Theres nothing wrong with Doughnut Prostitutes. Fact
  13. sponge cake? cappuccino cake? lemon drizzle cake? the possibilities are endless! unlike pie, in which there are limited possibilities Why does Lemon Drizzle cake make me laugh?
  14. Just fat & sugar? Thats why they're so awesome!!! They dont cut the crap, they're like 'hey, you know im bad for you, we both know that now lets just get this over with okay?' ^ thats how I picture Doughnuts talking if they were to. We can only Dream.
  15. Pfffff, fruitCake is weird. But not as weird as Carrot Cake, don't even get me started on that crap.
  16. i dont many crumbs when eating cookies, its just a talent i guess lol. It must be a talent. Special Gift
  17. so wait, are you on the side of pie now? before you were on the side of cake 0.o Or are you on the side of cake but think that pie will win? im confuzzled :S LoL @ Oh so your on Pie side now? Your leaving me for pie? Lmao. Its like a soap opera
  18. ahhh! whats this hatred towards Doughnuts! the greasyness is half of the battle, just lick your fingers dudes! Do you guys not have krispy kremes???? Oh and the crappy aspect of Cookies is Crumbs. Crumbs make Robo sad.
  19. on top of each other in one bite?!?! you mad man I think thats cheating
  20. that map looks intense
  21. I played the demo on live, seems pretty good tho the controls feel a bit 'dated'... no run & gun.. still the co-op was fun with Mr Moon
  22. lol yeah Clavus is right, there seems to be a split in the decisions that are made on Zombie Mod. I think all that needs to change about the no collide is getting stuck in the props. Apart from that its good & fine.
  23. What was your Zs username before? Just RedKite?
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