Now you're mixing, yet again, ban topics and these together. This is no different from the ZS pictures thread or your drawings-thread. I mean, does the whole community need to know what you doodled during your last lesson? This is a thread about penultimate subject of the faction wars: Success in raiding. Just because you've hopped into the bandwagon thinking that all minecraft related and every minecraft player is worse than satan crawling out of hell carrying Justin Bieber albums does make your accusations of childishness quite hypocritical. BUT, Baron... Atleast I make a post once every 5 days or so, and each time I bring up more than one object... also when it's possible I edit my post to add stuff so it doesnt constantly appear in the "Recent Posts" section. Really... the fact that some people show their MC items off is getting quite old, most likely boring. I just can't understand why they brag so much for getting such lousy things... And I repeat: I DONT hate minecraft. Nor anything else related to it (Well, there's an exception though: The ban topics where they all rage about xray, combatlogging and whatnot.) I'm just saying that it's starting to be annoying when MC topics spam occur. About the GIFs posting: Well, it's true... but atleast they add a funny touch to boring topics where people boast about their powerful sticks, equips and such.