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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. I thought this topic was about someone who askes a question, the next one answers it and then asks another one.. Instead all I see is people discussing about the first question over and over... Plus, I dont see which is the latest question, so I guess I'll make a new one: What would happen if you were the USA's president?
  2. Quert

    Are you sane?

    No, they're just stupid. Those tests certainly give a result based on the answers you give, but it doesnt mean it has to be true. I could say that you're jealous based on your reply... but it most likely isn't true. Same logic for those tests. Therefore, they aren't reliable at all.
  3. Quert

    Are you sane?

    Everything on low, even though i answered yes to few questions, like 3 or 4. Those tests are stupid anyway...
  4. Hah, I'll just 'spy-check' everyone I meet.
  5. Humans dropping their weapons once they die. Or (atleast) just the gun they're currently wielding. And a timer on them of approx 30 secs - 1 min till they disappear. Headcrabs not being able to open doors...Unless they hump on the door handle
  6. Nice, now humans' melee is becoming useful. It used to be completely useless, only use it had was to run faster
  7. How about zombies being able to grab, like clots in Killing Floor? Obviously it should be normal zombies only and it would be from very close...
  8. Quert

    Forts for sale!

    Nope, same thing for me. Funny thing is that he took me seriously
  9. Quert

    Forts for sale!

    Ok then. I DEMAND a 50x50 castle COMPLETELY made of adminium/bedrock. (will pay well) It must also have piston gates, chests full of diamond tools/equips and enchanted stuff. Moreover, I want a pepperoni pizza on the table. no... am I kidding myself? I'm italian, i can make pizza's better than anyone else!
  10. Player(s): Server: Mr. Green GMod #1 | ZOMBIE SURVIVAL | LEFT4GREEN.COM Reason: Cadebreaking (map: dead block) Proof(s):
  11. Quert

    Away !

  12. You dont see the video? Oh, are you blind? It's right there! Oh... right, forgot about that... You have to press F13
  13. Meaning they are extremely attention seekers. This is the point.
  14. I'm just saying that, nowadays, atleast 40-50% of topics are minecraft related because people just want to show their "POWERFUL" items off. which is getting old... It's true, there used to be a huge MC topic spam about random ban reports about random hackers ,and luckily someone had the bright idea to put them all in an unique topic... But then I wonder why they don't make an unique topic for people who want to boast about their equips and discuss about random minor things aswell... All this MC topic spam (and don't bring out map topics...they aren't more common than MC's) just makes me think that this whole community is "MC-centred".
  15. Now you're mixing, yet again, ban topics and these together. This is no different from the ZS pictures thread or your drawings-thread. I mean, does the whole community need to know what you doodled during your last lesson? This is a thread about penultimate subject of the faction wars: Success in raiding. Just because you've hopped into the bandwagon thinking that all minecraft related and every minecraft player is worse than satan crawling out of hell carrying Justin Bieber albums does make your accusations of childishness quite hypocritical. BUT, Baron... Atleast I make a post once every 5 days or so, and each time I bring up more than one object... also when it's possible I edit my post to add stuff so it doesnt constantly appear in the "Recent Posts" section. Really... the fact that some people show their MC items off is getting quite old, most likely boring. I just can't understand why they brag so much for getting such lousy things... And I repeat: I DONT hate minecraft. Nor anything else related to it (Well, there's an exception though: The ban topics where they all rage about xray, combatlogging and whatnot.) I'm just saying that it's starting to be annoying when MC topics spam occur. About the GIFs posting: Well, it's true... but atleast they add a funny touch to boring topics where people boast about their powerful sticks, equips and such.
  16. Can I give you a handshake, this Minecraft hate is indeed becoming VERY annoying. All this hating makes left4green a shitty place and makes BlueYoshi sad. yes I may have maddy shitty posts in topic like these but people change man. MTA map topics shouldn't show up in recent topics though. Look, personally I DONT hate minecraft... But man, you gotta admit that those topics where people show off their little toys they managed to loot/craft/enchant are just... stupid. I mean, really... Does the whole Mr Green community need to know that you achieved such things? that you stole a warehouse filled up with random items... or worked hard to craft powerful sticks to stab people? Not to mention the random battles where players accuse eachother of every sort of things, from xray to combat logging and shit... Yes, it's entertaining and every time I realize that such things happen I start eating popcorn... but,really... its childish.
  17. Ohh... cmon, now the random MC topics spam started again...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dr.Minky


      Itll be gone by tomorrow, its just because some new mc users joined

    3. Quert


      Baron... that's not the point... It's fine to me that they talk about MC... but its just excessive.. especially when they brag about the shit they've got on MC... who gives a shit!...

    4. Baron Baconeer
  18. CASP, Poor? Not really to be honest Adjective "Poor" wasn't meant as poor in wealth... just unlucky.
  19. THIEF!!!Ban this guy from the forums! BOX, the ice cream I stole was 1.5 euro Not only, I even stole a can of ice tea, so +1.5 euro (expected (ironic)reply from someone:"Watch out, we've got a badass over here!")
  20. Uhmm... Yes, you got shit and all from those poor people, but... Who gives a shit? Well, since we're in topic, I'll tell you that I once stole a icecream from a bar... which is x1000 worthy than all the stuff you stole alltogheter
  21. Player(s): Server: Mr. Green GMod #1 | ZOMBIE SURVIVAL | LEFT4GREEN.COM Reason: Cadebreaking (Subway Trainstation) Proof:
  22. Well,I've heard its bannable, infact this is the third player I report for the same reason, the previous 2 got banned for 1 day. They should make that zone under the map a restricted area.
  23. Uhh... I know i'm not supposed to bump, but I posted this ban request yesterday... could I atleast get a answer... refused or not?
  24. Player: Server: Mr. Green GMod #1 | ZOMBIE SURVIVAL | LEFT4GREEN.COM Reason: Exploiting (camping under the map, zs_port) Proof:
  25. Please stick to "My game is the game". Oh shit... another random nonsense quote from himself... Really, the previous one didnt make sense already, this new one is even worse. So... well, since he is so damn awesome I think I will make up some random quotes from myself so I can increase my awesomeness to over 9000. Want to know L4G forums' most recent Attention Seeker? His name is...MRSPEC! -Quert Mad MRSPEC is mad. -Quert Back to in-topic... It's true that the server lags quite alot (I've joined it yesterday... even if my ping seemed to be the lowest, I was still lagging...) But i doubt it's possible to hit players from 6 blocks away. Maybe with the lag problem there can be a chance of it happening, but then I wonder: Why fight while lagging? If I were in the middle of a fight and get a lag spike, I would try to run away...
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