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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. Well, Lazy Peon, his account is 2 years old and his reputation is 2. I know that's just a worthless and useless score, but you know, that's supposed to mean something. aka everyone knows that he has a nasty behaviour
  2. If he tries to troll you, troll back. Simple. or ignore like Reap3r said.
  3. Could just use one of my fabulous martial arts moves and knock him out. Instead, if I have to choose a less aggressive way, I could limit myself to say that he'd mistaken her for his mother
  4. Actually the real direction was: Oooh rui! that's an epic story! It will surely turn into a best seller! No.
  5. Pfft. I used to play ZS before it was mainstream, it didn't even exist! Newfags.
  6. Mindfuck. Yo dawg, I herd yoo liek old stuff so we put old stuff in old stuff, so you can miss old stuff, while you miss old stuff.
  7. That being said, I'm a cold, emotionless and selfish bastard. Therefore I don't drink; So I don't make you more interesting.
  8. You were playing in the new zs, which was only released like 3 or 4 months ago or something He must've used time machine!
  9. By ruins they mean the remains of fucked up factions' bases, not strongholds that are already there...
  10. Hint: He cheated.
  11. Deeerp... baron, that meme doesn't work if you just type "what" you should do "What." Anyways, none of em are most feared. (for me ofc)
  12. I'm thinking permanently, but only if we get those stunning badass shades of his. Stunning badass shades of his? No thanks, I dont want his narcissism.
  13. Ban pufu.
  14. IW > ZS. 'Nuff said.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      A kid with ebony balls.

      Quert, how did you find that? xD

    3. Quert


      IDK, that was just random...

    4. MiF


      I see what you have been looking for...

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ip1zVBZzuyM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3nUxQSBl-Q&feature=related
  16. Many people (not me, ABSOLUTELY) would be sad if that happened, Silver. And since i'm not a bastard who wants other people to be upset, I think that the best solution for that would be: An option to at least disable the headbang and shitty music, that would be fine for those who hate it. Well, everyone will have a choice between getting free kills or "ENJOY" that retarded event Or just disable any damage done during that.
  17. Not only in the end. Box does it like... at least 3 times in the middle of each round Also, if it's really supposed to be a 'TRUCE', no one should be allowed to attack then. So even if someone isn't affected by the retarded headbang, he can't take advantage of that.
  18. Cheers. Got a scanner now. First attempt, i'm not sure it will look better. Anyways this is just a chibi version of Death the Kid, with Liz and Patty (his weapons). Don't be too shocked at how Kid holds his guns, he always does that, in the anime. EDIT: Derp. mistook the two girls names. Liz is the one on the right and Patty the one on the left.
  19. Agreed ^ Why not lower the required amount of heal (77k is way too much), or make it worthier? All that effort just for a Sig SG552 is a waste. EDIT: Add an option to disable '!ravebreak' (Both in IW and ZS) It's damn annoying, doesnt let anyone aim and it's just pointless. I'd atleast like to disable the 'headbanging' effect...
  20. This time i'm just suggesting a random achievement. Brainstorm: Kill 5 humans in 10 seconds.
  21. What? Tell me, did you know that you can heal your turret just by switching to Regeneration suit power? Turret is for real men. EDIT: Why not just use crowbar during the meat cannon cooldown? I just can't imagine a massive zombie using a pistol...
  22. Rui, you're crazy. I agreed about the Warghoul having a 357 magnum (just less powerful than the normal one), but it doesnt make sense to propose every single zombie class having op weapons. A stalker that kills in 2 hits? Gotta be kidding me I was thinking about a Stalker that isn't cloaked (can be easily seen), but with the ability to fly. Don't know what loadout it could have though. About the Bones, TMP is okay (Dont.. make.. Zombie weapons...OP.). As for the secondary firearm, I think Dual elites would be more fitting, but NO stunstick... Plus, 20 humans killed in one round is just an insane achievement. I'd say the requirements could be: Come 'N' Get Me: similiar to Daredevil, but requires more than one kill at full speed... in one round [or life?] (KILLS, not DAMAGE.) My Friend AGONY: Known achievement. Tasty 'N' Healthy Children: Sacrifice your baby X times to heal. Doesn't count if you regain less than 30-50 health. (Make X a really high number though) + Add "Number of sacrified babies:" in F4 stats. Anyways, I dont think another Zombie loadout should be made. There are enough for now.
  23. Damn right. Aresfags haven't changed, since op stuff attracts people. Ares shrike is way too powerful. About the UMP being weak, I don't remember.
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