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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. Weren't people only allowed to reply stuff like "good luck" unless they were the OP or admins? Oh well... good luck.. (just to not be off-topic) EDIT: Also, hackers calling others hackers... I mean really... my hypocrisy-o-meter is about to go BOOM.....
  2. Quert

    Long overdue post

    Corby's still gay
  3. 1) Eidos Montreal: Deus Ex 2) Epic Games: Unreal Tournament 3) CryTek: Far Cry 4) Bethesda: Elder Scrolls 5) ArenaNet: Guild Wars
  4. Oh shit,oh fuck, i'm doomed! I appeared in a minecraft video!
  5. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    Zetsuen no Tempest finally resumed
  6. I think you should post it HERE
  7. That is the chance that all these possible changes will improve anything. If people don't play minecraft pvp anymore it's because it's gotten boring, I highly doubt it'll turn out being fun no matter how many "improvements" you might do MC sucks for pvp after all...
  8. That would be nice, since we could see maps that usually are dark with some more light and vice versa, but wouldn't it be a bit laggier?
  9. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    I can't find episode 16, on the website I watch anime from, they posted 16 and 17 at the same time, but actually they both were episode 17...
  10. We love you NECROSSIN
  11. What did I even listen... 3/10
  12. 1/10 I dont really know, I have a feeling you posted a random song without thinking about it, that's pretty much the same thing for 5 minutes and half, it sounded like the shriek of a old vinyl disk being scratched... oh, and dont take it personal, no offense intended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3UnTt084fw
  13. There actually aint any difference between this and messing around with dumb people getting drunk randomly just to have an hungover later
  14. Oh my god, so it's true that Herobrine exists after all!
  15. Quert

    So we upgraded

    Still haven't gotten used to it, It totally gives me the impression that all the activity transfered to Thu'umbox, just because there's no "Recent Posts" list nvm, it's on the right.
  16. Dat fail
  17. Wow. And I even thought that they finally learned some manners after I reported 11 of them.
  18. Quert

    So we upgraded

    Now Thu'umbox will be even more littered with random crap. Hooray.
  19. Quert

    So we upgraded

    Do I have to link forum account with steam one in order to have my GCs shown?
  20. Quert

    So we upgraded

    Oh. And here I thought it was just my mobile being weird.
  21. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    I havent seen the latest episode yet since im on vacation, if SAO was just the first ark it could've been a 8-9 for me, but with this last part I guess it dropped to 6-7. Will they do the anime adaptation for GGO (Gun Gale Online) too? Edit Also, I started watching Hyouka, it's kinda a bit weird, but also interesting. What do you guys think about it? (Even though it ended like a month ago or two)
  22. ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ If we remove the end, some people are getting to powerfull. ? We getting powerfull of moving the end? removing =\= moving. remove: make something disappear. move: change something's location.
  23. Yay.
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