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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by wooozie

  1. cute song, 5/10 i guess (if you care to listen to it, i recommend a decent stereo system and some volume)
  2. you could code a program that produces these songs,3/10
  3. wtf is wrong with you? stop reporting maps that always have been on the server and only get disliked because theyre not very noob friendy, when meanwhile more new shitty maps get (re)uploaded ... (including yours, ala "country phoenix" or "coaster knights")
  4. no habla espanol. 6/10
  5. seriously? i dont know when the afk reward was implemented, but im pretty sure most of your gc were earned that way.
  6. interesting. thats like a mix between fall out boy and your random post hardcore band. 7/10.
  7. bring back fire transfer by default.
  8. ohh, thats a bummer. and "driving is slightly affected" ...
  9. nvidias newest driver (i guess its new) actually has a "faster" (or whatever its called in english) setting for vsync. its pretty cool, you should check it out. apparently it reduces screen tearing without capping fps. that said, i cant play anything properly with vsync on, even if input lag isnt noticeable. i always feel like its screwin up my gameplay.
  10. i dont mean in sa, i have no idea how much fps id get, but games in general. if you compare 100 to 200fps, it looks a lot smoother with 200.
  11. why is max fps at 100? why not have it unlimited? (noticed that theres way less texture flickering with 200fps for example).its not like its easier to drive with more fps, anyway.
  12. why do you guys keep posting this hands up crap. its so uncreative, 3/10
  13. wtf is this sorcery? how is he doin that? impressive as fuck... 9.9/10 cause he missed some notes (kiddin ofc)
  14. all i can think about when hearing that song is interstate 82 and messin around at the disco. good times 10/10
  15. the whole "waiting for # players"... i dont know how long it is, it feels like a minute on most mapstarts. but wouldnt it be possible to lower that a LITTLE bit. there will always be some guy who has to download the map, and everyone waiting for some lagger at every mapstart is kinda unfair.
  16. when sdk feels good, so am i.
  17. too easy/10
  18. turks gonna turk.
  19. hard to believe anyone has that. if so, show it.
  20. does anyone have this arch? not that it really matter, but maybe remove it?
  21. 0/10 cause no song
  22. hard to rate this random ass shit. 5/10 for poland. good luck gettin out of the 90s.
  23. the biggest crime here is kasha playin on mix.
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