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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by warp.

  1. Maybe other admin can review your maps but my opinion remains the same, fix NTS Titanium and I'll upload it
  2. Not Uploaded ERROR: Couldn't find map RTF-Pro-7 for resource RTF-Pro-v7Loading of resource 'RTF-Pro-v7' failedERROR: Couldn't find map RTF-Pro-v8 for resource RTF-Prov8Loading of resource 'RTF-Prov8' failed
  3. Cleaned up the reports. Regarding previously deleted maps you should mention them to SDK or Kali
  4. CTF uploaded RTF has vini's meta file, so I can't upload it
  5. Uploaded
  6. I can't accept those maps, some are decent but most aren't good enough for the server. You should read the map guidelines and check the tutorials. Or maybe ask someone to teach you http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/
  7. 6/10 tuntxátuntutxá niu album from The Prodigy
  8. Not uploaded - Meta is incorrect, wrong gamemode value, read the mapping guidelines http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/
  9. Uploaded
  10. Uploaded - Meta was incorrect tho, wrong respawn value
  11. Not uploaded - Meta file is incorrect, wrong gamemode value, read the map guidelines. http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/
  12. Not uploaded DD with wrong respawn value NTS with wrong music resource
  13. Not uploaded - ALL maps are low quality, confusing and incorrect. The only decent map is NTS-Titanium and it only has 1 spawn.
  14. Uploaded
  15. Not uploaded - RTF is a mess, SH low quality map, not escape proof
  16. Did you even tested your maps? Maps aren't loading, full of errors. Not uploaded
  17. warp.

    by #NITRO

  18. Uploaded
  19. Read our map guidelines: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/ Not uploaded
  20. 8/10
  21. warp.

    by #NITRO

  22. Uploaded - There's no need to add the puma markers script. You can simply put <include resource="Puma-Markers" /> in the meta. http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/
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