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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by warp.

  1. 5/10 much core so hard
  2. The voicing on this clip is just brilliant Watch at your own risk
  3. warp.

    by #NITRO

  4. Uploaded ERROR: Couldn't parse meta file for resource 'NTS-ONLYRAILSPRINT'Loading of resource 'NTS-ONLYRAILSPRINT' failed ERROR: Couldn't parse meta file for resource 'SH-mariposa'Loading of resource 'SH-mariposa' failed I'm not going to upload boat ctf.
  5. Uploaded
  6. Your maps were uploaded as is, if they're not on the server or the racemode isn't correct it's your mistake, not mine. Also, keep spawnpoints separate as they cause huge fps drop when placed on the same spot.
  7. Deleted
  8. warp.

    GTA5 - PC

    Years later, you can finally go for a swim in Vice City
  9. 7/10
  10. Cleaned up the reports.
  11. Uploaded Wrong respawn value was found on your meta (READ http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/) CORRECT FOR SHOOTER & DD <setting name="#respawn" value='[ none ]'></setting> WRONG FOR SHOOTER & DD <setting name="#respawn" value='[ timelimit ]'></setting>
  12. warp.

    by #NITRO

    Uploaded Nota; Tive que remover o mapa que fizeste com o santi, tu sabes qual, o pessoal só chora por causa dos campers lá, se puderes remove o script de auto repair ou aumenta o tempo de espera e tenta remover sitios em que os jogadores possam acampar e eu subo o mapa de novo.
  13. Uploaded
  14. MIX maps uploaded
  15. Uploaded
  16. warp.


    Nothing fancy this summer, just going camping with some friends at Sumol Summer Fest and chill through out the summer
  17. they are on server 24 hours what about editing map buy system that you can buy a map 5 times per day you or maybe 3 and we need more nts since everyone press 1 on nts It's possible implement a limit for how much a map can be bought per day or how much maps a player can buy per day but that isn't going to solve anything imo. Regarding NTS, it's all about the timing, in the afternoon you get 3/4 NTS being played if your lucky, later at night those odds are a bit better because most SH fanboys are gone.
  18. Yes, it is annoying as hell but I can't delete a map just because it's being overplayed, makes no sense whatsoever. Solution: Ignore them, turn off your chat or play at a different time.
  19. warp.

    New website

    Is there a way we could implement MTA stats with the new website?
  20. Even though the map is pretty much over and the report is bogus BLOCKING IS NOT ALLOWED. And if you are blocking you're basically asking for trouble, because sometimes people are just waiting for you to mess up and call you on it and one day things can be seen from a different perspective that can put you on a difficult position so just be careful with this. Topic is closed.
  21. Tops should be reset on race when the new fps limit gets implemented, when idk.
  22. warp.

    by #NITRO

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