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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by warp.

  1. 7/10
  2. Using an IRC client you can save your preferences and automatically join the channel each time you log into your pc. I use/used Pidgin IRC client, nice interface and easy set up once you get it right.
  3. 8/10
  4. 4/10
  5. 7.5/10 trap u said?
  6. The after fap selfie
  7. 7.5/10 not bad 2Pac & Biggie ft. Eric Cartman
  8. warp.

    by #NITRO

  9. Uploaded
  10. Uploaded for now, I didn't like the map, your complicating what is suppose to be simple mapping, play the map on the server and you'll get what I mean.
  11. Uploade for now
  12. Uploaded
  13. Uploaded
  14. Uploaded
  15. NTS - Not uploaded, cps to small. RTF - Uploaded
  16. Uploaded
  17. Uploaded ... Next long ass map will be rejected, don't bother making one.
  18. You can easily buy a new spawn on that map to prevent that fail but whatever I'll fix it... P.S. I didn't delete any maps from his topic, that happened probably because of the crash. My mistake was only to not review all of his maps instead I assumed all were bad, shit happens.
  19. All off topic posts were and will be deleted, and CRYOSPHERE calling me a racist just because I mistakenly deleted your maps doesn't deserve any kind of responses, I can't argue with ignorance. Your maps were reuploaded if that's counts for anything. Regarding maps that need fixing, that's up to the author to fix them.
  20. 8.5/10
  21. oh hell no 10/10
  22. 6/10 Another reason why in my opinion SA has the best radio stations of the whole GTA series
  23. I think that bug is MTA related, I've given myself a train a couple of times through the admin panel and on most of the times it works fine only when I give someone else a train people start crashing. Anyways it's not smart to add trains spawns to a map, I'll delete it.
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