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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by warp.

  1. Map folder is not like I specified on the example ... Anyways, uploaded
  2. Uploaded
  3. Not uploaded - Wrong meta, timelimit is "none" or else players keep respawning..
  4. Not uploaded - Wrong meta file.. It's not "sh" it's "shooter" read the guidelines: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/ Also, map folder should be named according to it's gamemode. Example: (nts-map, sh-map, dd-map)
  5. Not uploaded - Wrong meta file ...
  6. warp.


    I don't like those type of jokes, specially with someone that keeps provoking me even though I haven't done shit to you You're unbanned but I'm really getting tired of your "jokes" I really hope it's the last time I have to deal with you JOB.
  7. 6/10 not for me
  8. warp.


    This discussion that ramming is fun or not is really old and pointless, we all have our own perspective of this some like it some don't. I'm hopeful that soon we'll have a serious racing server for those that get frustrated from all the blocking noobs and shitty maps but I'm also positive that if it happens the server probably won't be attended like the other servers but I guess it's a matter of trying. Staying on topic, imo, making a command to hide an admin status can be beneficial but atm it's not really something needed, any admin can simply rename himself and logout in order to catch perpetrators on the act, I've done it several times.
  9. warp.

    Cena's maps

  10. warp.

    by #NITRO

    Uploaded - Apartir de agora tenta apenas escrever o nome do gamemode e do mapa na pasta como fizeste com alguns. sh-nitro1 dd-nitro2 rtf-nitro3 etc
  11. Only on vehicles placed by the map maker.
  12. Just stealing a firetruck Hail wonas! Party over here! and finally always keep your horse hydrated.
  13. NTS Uploaded Skynet check skyblue's maps when you can before he rages and haxs all of us
  14. Uploaded - Meta still incorrect ... Learn how to make a proper meta I won't fix it again. Don't use those many spaces in your code. WRONG: -<meta> <info gamemodes = "race" racemode = "rtf" type = "map" name = "RTF-Pro-v4" author = "Froyax" version = "1.0.0" ></info> <map src = "RTF-Pro-v4.map" dimension = "0" ></map> CORRECT: <meta> <info gamemodes="race" racemode="rtf" type="map" name="RTF-Pro-v4" author="Froyax" version="1.0.0" ></info> <map src="RTF-Pro-v4.map" dimension="0" ></map>
  15. Uploaded, your music script was a mess though, gave it a fix but I won't do it again.
  16. warp.

    by #NITRO

  17. Not uploaded - Learn how to make a proper meta file for our servers. READ: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/
  18. Not uploaded - Learn how to make a proper meta file, read: http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14734-mapping-rules-for-mta/ Any topic you create for your new maps will be deleted so please just use this topic.
  19. warp.

    by #NITRO

  20. Uploaded
  21. Grats and welcome to the team guys.
  22. Uploaded
  23. warp.

    by #NITRO

  24. Uploaded
  25. 7.5/10 heh pokestep, dat pik tho
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