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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ashendar

  1. Meh it may be hard because of the software but isn't it actually called "posing" meaning that it doesn't really have to be natural ? True , the spy's hands look a bit forced but hey , he doesn't usually hold more than a butterfly-knife .
  2. Dude . Just dude . You . Are . Amazingly Epic . And . Legendary .
  3. Yea. But how about Tank? and Gunner? I rather take 1 from both to each picture. Gunner is totally heavy and also tank is pyro Assault is demo . Sniper is hunter .
  4. looks ok but you know support is like medic+engie as assassin is like scout+spy
  5. use loudspeakers , do it to the whole school , or better the whole world , just like religion does it :>
  6. @Boter i see a missing texture on that clock i think @lemon now is he ? those eyes aren't so convincing .
  7. LOOL it's like powerpuff men ) <sarcasm>Also i think that it's a bit too good for bollywood , they should get this guy to direct low-budget hollywood movies .<//sarcasm>
  8. All i have to say about this is : epic . The scene after the credits reminded me of an old picture where i edited the Talk button in FO3 to say Rape .
  9. did this during a class , i was bored like hell so i gave it a shot . It's a left hand reaching for something . soz for bad quality , i miss my scanner so i had to take a picture with my phone .
  10. @lipton , from afar <no ensiferum link whatsoever> the picture looks astonishing . it's pretty neat but you could keep working on that light on the big planet and make it a lower resolution or make better textures for the planets . also the little planet above the big one doesn't look pretty well with that strangely positioned shadow on it , i'm just saying .
  11. Ashendar

    Scary games

    I gotta say Dead Space creeps me out . When I play that game I sometimes look to see if there is anyone behind me even tho the only thing behind me is a ficus ( aka Weeping Fig ) . I actually started shooting EVERY single corpse on the ground when I saw what the bat was doing and after the first encounter with a monster , or whatever they are , that was waiting for me on the floor and was looking very much like a rag doll . Also if I happen to pass by the same corpse twice I still shoot it . The game freaked me out pretty well .
  12. Good luck from me . I've played zs just a little at random times and i've seen you there every time so you must be kind of active , anyway good luck again .
  13. he's on tf2 if i remember well .
  14. it's fake and gay for the reason that it is free to be like that and this reason should never ever be questioned . this answers both questions you asked . Americans are all about their freedom .
  15. who the hell would call his sword morning boner ? tho I'd call a bow a morning bowner :>
  16. strange how he doesn't have a boner on the cover . Anyway looks great .
  17. neardeathexperaience
  18. wait something's wrong . EmRA has the title "negro jesus" and Lemon! has the title "God amongst the Dead" they should change titles )
  19. If EmRA is the god of posing Lemon! is the Jesus of posing .
  20. 9/10 , @lipton why did you mark Ensiferum - Battlesong with 2 ?
  21. Good luck . I agree with Void as admin . Whenever I play with him I have a hell of a lot of fun kicking ass or getting my ass kicked when I play against him . I've never seen him "fighting" with someone so I get it that he's cool with everybody .
  22. MrG sounds more gangsta :>
  23. wouldn't we need Ywa's approval for that ?
  24. maybe we can , you know , start a team and/or a clan or something like that o.O
  25. //Agree with CyriusG :D

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