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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MrZunz

  1. Depends if it blocks movement or chunk generation
  2. Happy birthday Clavus! Got any spare cake we can eat?
  3. The trainstation was one of the runner-ups. Thing is, we were mostly impressed by the technique, which was mostly build by Kikkers. Well, I have to agree on some parts, it's wasnt 'mostly' build by Kikkers... Indeed he did a quite a few things, like the switches for destination. But other then that I agree.
  4. Banning them temporarily wouldn't really solve problems, alot of regulars do this. However waiting for the timer to run out isn't really fair for other people that want to play. If I see people doing this I just slay them or make them push to kill eachother. Too bad I wasn't there at that time.
  5. Mathematic and I, would like to enter the contest with our train station. Alot of pics incoming below! From the outside The door Main hall From the other side Stand on the steps for the destination you want Inside the machine room The dispenser Topview of the dispenser All excessive minecarts can't screw up the dispenser since they fall into the lava and get destroyed The booster to get outside The dropoff point, carts get carried away trough the water to the dispenser The room
  6. Well, I can't come. can't be arsed to carry a case, 22 inch monitor and other shit over with public transport... :/
  7. I now nom nom i ate cake? wait what?
  8. It is scientifically proven that too many birthdays can kill you... :/
  9. Something tells me I want to try this out to see how much I'll get scared, but on the other hand... I might don't want to... D:
  10. My trainstation is finally functional! With thanks to Kikkers and Mathematic!
  11. True, but atleast a fresh start with new changes atleast...
  12. Indeed, can we please get a new world?
  13. Pathetic attempt on a bump imho
  14. Usually people learn at early age that they can't have everything now, the exact moment they live in. Sometimes you have to wait. Also this thread has turned p hilarious So you want to wait till everything bleeded dead. then come up with a solution... good tactic, sir. There are a couple of solutions that can be done now already, the problem however is that those aren't executed...
  15. He did Does that solve the problem now? No. He did He did Since it seems some people missed that Does that solve the problem now? No. what about letting more people be a mod?
  16. Indeed, what about replying to the things the community suggested. Instead of just starting a new map... If it's only that don't expect people to start playing again. Atleast I wouldn't...
  17. It was already destroyed 4 days ago...
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