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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MrZunz

  1. What about some themed world? like an giant desert with just 1 river running trough it, so people have to stick to the river to build, or live in the desert?
  2. Locked chest is a must, I think that keeps out the drama of thefts alot more. and maybe a stricter whitelisting policy would do good imho.
  3. Chuck Norris. Math vs Mathematic
  4. I also kinda dislike the new map, I feel like a mountaingoat without a purpose. minerals are everywhere to be found on the surface, nowhere is proper space to build a house on...
  5. iirc the one linked on that thread is outdated, you should get it from here. Then download it, open up the jar file of the server with WinRar, Extract the downloaded mod, Go to the altinstall map and drag and drop all the class files into the .jar file you opened in WinRar. Should be compatible with SimpleServer by then. :]
  6. No, you can run the jar file even on windows.

  7. Outdated? I got mine from minecraft.net, just the jar. then installed a biome mod on it.

  8. A bump after 7 minutes? Get the fuck out...
  9. I got this idea for an egyptian style of map, where a river / oasis runs trough. For example: People have to stick at the riverside to build I got this running already on my own server, since it requires a biome mod I'm not sure if clavus want's it. but it's an wild idea... EDIT: Incase you want to see it live, try to connect to: server.zunz.nl
  10. They will lower the price for keys most likely, so another shitstorm will occur which feeds Gabe
  11. it heals 20 health points every taunt you do.
  12. a sexy Girlfriend/Wife who always wanted sex. Even tho I had no penis, I would still be very happy when I see her beauty. I guess... Would you rather have one gigantic finger, or have millions of tentacle fingers
  13. Invisible (a) I shall repeat my first one since math de-railed the topic. Would you rather never have sex, or have sex with a walrus once.
  14. Good education ofcourse Would you rather never have sex, or have sex with a walrus once. EDIT: FUCK got ninja'd
  15. Well... Inventories are server side now. So no more cheatengine shite.
  16. Clavus can you please put the server back on?
  17. My internet connection at internship:
  18. Cant. Stop. Staring. Hrrggggggggg *drools*

  19. Server was migrating @ Notch's blog. I give you a F- for not reading his blog regularly. I meant the Left4Green server...
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