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Mr. Green Gaming


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Damien last won the day on November 25 2020

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  • Location
    The Netherlands, Oss
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    Gaming and watching tv/movies.


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  1. I need some helpful suggestions for the zs tutorial.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Dont cade at the start of round, wait for others.

      Don't stand too close to the care, you can get hurt or even killed.

      Make sure to make your barricade a hit more opened for humans, so they can see.

      If there is a turret aiming at the zombies behind the cade, crouch to let the turret shoot zombies undress of your bloody bodies.

      As a zombie, make sure to attack in groups. Solo is not an option.

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Pff, the Goddamn auto-correction on my HTC...

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