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Mr. Green Gaming

A Random Hobo

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Everything posted by A Random Hobo

  1. Delete: garrysmod/cache/dua garrysmod/lua/ garrysmod/addons/derma (It gets recreated, but if you add in a skin, causes problems with Scriptenforcer)
  2. Add "cl_downloadfilter all" and "cl_allowdownload 1" to garrysmod/cfg/config.cfg
  3. Why insult you? hackers should be banned and so is that. You're welcome, we always reply quicly on important cases Normally (In other communitys), people get banned for calling the 'Admin abuse' card without posting the proof. I guess that's the angle he is coming from. Was exactly what I was thinking. I was pretty open about my views on scriptenforcer and how easy it is to bypass the other day
  4. Once a cheater, always a cheater (In some ways, at the very least) Talking from experiance, of course Anyway, the title sums the thread up.
  5. http://wiki.garrysmod.com/?title=Entity.BoundingRadius playerentity:ApplyForceCenter(Vector(20 , 0 , 0)) Try that.
  6. Seriously?
  7. You really shouldn't use 'Time' as a variable. Besides from that, seems not too bad code. Havn't read it thourghly though.
  8. <3 Cloud computing.
  9. RadioEnabled = CreateClientConVar("Radio_Enabled" , 0 , true , false) function Radio() if RadioEnabled:GetInt() != 1 then return end html = vgui.Create("HTML") html:OpenURL("SetYourStreamingWebsite") html:SetVisible(false) end function DisableRadio() html:OpenURL("http://www.google.com") end concommand.Add("Radio_Stop" , DisableRadio) I don't see the reason not to impliment a radio, the code couldn't be more simple.
  10. Thank Garry for updating to the OrangeBox engine.
  11. Set gibs to debris -- Profit
  12. Use protection.
  13. One of many possible causes: DoS attack by MySQL servers by too many querys, Ywa says it is not this. Running too many think hooks on the server. Possibly this, as ZS code is really unoptimised DDoS attack -- Probably not, host would deal with that soon enough. Shop/GC system saving // connecting too often
  14. Who downloads Anyway, it's just my internet sucks (Alot) Also, I actually live about 300 miles further north than this speedtest says I do, so it's a much bigger distance..
  15. It seems the majority of our players finally found the server.
  16. Didn't I say (Twice) it was not purely financial problems that caused the server to go down?? The reasons::
  17. Not only am I from KillaZSS (Who you insulted by insulting Winservars) , But I am also admin on Winservars (Because of the merge) @Chickennugget The server will remain open as long as WinServars is open.
  18. Killa's didn't end due to lack of donations. High server costs, mixed with Killa not having enough time to keep the gamemode updated were the real reasons it had to end. The server cost over 100 Euros a month, which is considerably more than you guys have to pay, since you know the hoster (I heard) Garry's constant gamebreaking updates really pissed Killa off, and he is probably going to Collage // University soon, so He can't keep taking money from his personal savings // not putting any money in because of server costs.
  19. I would just like to say that we did not lose too many of our players. Although the old server shut down faster than we could have hoped, which means that we can't redirect people, The server had 24 slots (Out of 26) filled yesterday. Then, because the old global ban system went with the old server, we had some problems with hackers crashing the server about 5 - 10 times (At one point, held the server down for 15 minutes constantly) Banned as many IDs and IPs as we could find from the forums (Killazss.com), and the server should be stable now. We are going to keep developing the gamemode, although we are having problems negociating with the game server hoster about having an SQL database onsite, as it lags far too much from distance to hold the rank database. We still regarly have over 20 players (Although this is not a hit on what it was before the shutdown) but is still decent enough to try as hard as possible to keep the gameserver alive. There have been numerous issues with the new features, such as the votemap breaking, but hopefully Fizzadar (Owner of the WIN SERVARS) will fix this soon. There will still be three European ZS servers, hopefully two with decent playercounts.
  20. I'm looking forward to seeing if you make your working radio any differently to the way I made mine. Also, 8. Doors. Doors, and more doors Hopefully func_pulley_constraint will be covered in this I've been making a castle map, with a func_physbox gate that gets pulled up // down by a button (Will be replaced later) , except it likes to re-open the door after closing all by itself :/ (Using logic_counter to toggle it)
  21. DX level, other system information. Try the windowed mode first.
  22. Install Malwarebytes -- http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php and run a quick scan (To be sure there is no viruses) Then add to the advanced launch options "-windowed mode" without quotes (In garrysmod advanced options -- right click on it in steam) If that doesn't fix it, open "Run" from the start menu and type dxdiag and tell us what it says.
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