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Mr. Green Gaming

A Random Hobo

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Everything posted by A Random Hobo

  1. Personally, I call someone from 2007 old school (You won't know me, I normally play other servers) , but, meh And hey hundred.
  2. Pedobear is trying to get out of your private album... so he can get into your bed!! Lul Btw, click on my "Lost -- The game" pic And you lost the game.
  3. My clan fell apart because one of the main players got banned, and started a riot... Anyway, back to normalish now...
  4. Noxiounet.com banlist -- [Z.S.P.]sert man STEAM_0:1:18394279 Eternity Speedhacking Remotely added.
  5. Still speedhacking?
  6. Prismaa was originally trying to become an admin, to do this he downloaded hacks and kicked every noob in ZS, changed rcon and
  7. Bump and new download http://files.filefront.com/zs+skyscraper+v...;/fileinfo.html v1
  8. And your lua folder. I heard replacment luas (Like, your own sweps; Or something like that) can cause collisions with SE.
  9. Put the following into the following files in garrysmod/garrysmod/config Config.cfg -- mp_decals 250 Autoexec.cfg -- r_decals 250 That is only a temporary solution. Upgrading to vista is the only foolproof way of stopping it.
  10. The "Leak" you are on about is just me being lazy and forgetting to pakrat the skybox.
  11. There is a leak. --- There is no leak, because i look through the compile log every time. No leaks. Its a nodraw. Care to locate for me, as i asked earlier? I forgot to pakrat the skybox. That might be the problem Displacement in 3D skybox misaligned. -- I reduced the power of the displacment because it is known to cause lag. Ill look into it. At spawn. The big (also unrealistic brushes) are misaligned. There are several more things that are misaligned ect. Screenshot? Due to the narrow rooms, it's too easy for the zombies to kill the humans. -- The higher up you are, the less safe you are. And why make mirrors. They are useless, and add up to your compile time and filesize. Make it Cubemap based, if you really want mirrors. Adds to realism. Takes nothing noticible up from the fps, and the filesize is relitivly small
  12. Nocollide takes good care of that No leaks. Would be a nodraw. Can you tell me where it is? Where? The entire floor is a spawn room. Where? Yea, bathrooms tend to have mirrors It's not actually. There are several places humans can cade, while zombies have a good chance also. Earlier version of the map is already on Killa's zs and Noxious zs. Failed attempts at the vmex protecter.
  13. Preview of v1 -- http://files.filefront.com/zs+skyscraper+v...;/fileinfo.html Not completly ready for putting on the server, its just to get feedback on what people think of what i have done with it. Edit: I kinda broke the radio when i re-installed steam. I will fix it later.
  14. It was the headcrab i was meaning. Especially with nocollide.
  15. Good way to overpower already overpowered classes ^^
  16. Using the shift key is a bad idea, as it is commanly used as the steam shortcut for friends, which means you get an annoying window opening every time you open friends.
  17. If your birthday is 27/12/91, then you are infact 17. Lawl
  18. Personally, I think you would do a good job of it. Mature, active, etc etc etc.
  19. An explination for this, it fucks up your visleafs. A 5 second ms paint job will show.
  20. I hate them I prefer the glitchable (You can jump onto roofs) func_ladder.
  21. Has to be "func_ladder"
  22. If you don't mind, can i lock, since you can't download? -- Nvm, i forgot i just reinstalled steam and need to wait 30 mins for sdk to be ready anyway.
  23. Not all people have EP2 (I don't, for example) If we all use the same config which everyone has in common, it has less chance of breaking.
  24. Crafty GCFScape
  25. Then create one Make sure you use the Orange Box settings.
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