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Mr. Green Gaming

A Random Hobo

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Everything posted by A Random Hobo

  1. The UK isn't even a country. Scotland for me.
  2. Chrisaster doesn't work with Cube. Cube took Chrisaster's exploit, and made it worse. Chrisaster actually helped you guys patch the spam anyway, (with my persuasion), but Cube definatly wouldn't
  3. Just expect a fan group now. For example: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/sgtsmurf http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nubiousnet http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Killazs He made all of these when he got banned/on someone he hates. And hey, i gave up exploiting. If you ever wanna consider... well... heres my steamid STEAM_0:0:10839552
  4. Its possible he used a namechanger and... well.. i dunno how the chat colour wasn't wrong, but yeah. Also, Mayco, this is through zombies and flames btw Anyway, he is a butthurt little fag. Read this for opinions on his personallity:: http://forums.killazss.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=1058 http://noxiousnet.com/forums/index.php?topic=7837.0
  5. Mayco, try banning his ip. I dunno if your admin mod allows that, but its worth a try banip <ip>
  6. Probably Cube under a different alias. STEAM_0:1:5905033
  7. Hey, i know who did this. It was this guy called Cube - Been banned recently from Killa's zs, and about a month ago from Noxious... He crashed the servers, and is a complete retard. He is a Chrisaster wannabe I'll try to get his steamid (Maybe his ip) His steam community page -- http://steamcommunity.com/id/-Cube Steamid -- STEAM_0:1:5905033
  8. rename your garrysmod/garrysmod folder to oldgarrysmod. Alot faster than reinstalling.
  9. Darkness, mind giving the real link? I really wanna see if it actually works ingame ^^
  10. Thanks Mayco
  11. Most people only have one pc on at a time, and so can't watch porn while gaming. This is the closest they can get to that on one pc Darkness, where did you get that model, it is actually awesome
  12. Making maps togethor will never work untill Valve create a multiplayer source sdk. Guess when that will happen. What i suggest, is you share screenshots of your projects, and you give advice to each other on it.
  13. The big problem is you taking someone's work for no reason, and changing it.
  14. And here is a perfect example of the attitude that made me change my mind.
  15. And you are going to be able to find the authors?
  16. I was going to offer you my map regardless, but i changed my mind.
  17. Change skybox, and add a 3d sky rather than than wall all around the map.
  18. Clavus, although i can't test it, i would guess that the poison headcrab's secondary attack might not work now.
  19. And do you want to decompile 60 maps and replace shit?
  20. Maybe i helped your community patch a very big exploit in zs, and maybe i got perma - banned for it. Maybe, i apoligised, and maybe my apoligy was rejected.
  21. They were removed to stop props jamming them/props going into them, spazzing out and killing several people
  22. I made a map. Not that im going to offer it to you any time soon
  23. The reason that the VAC logo is there is because VAC is still active on that server, in a crippled form. VAC is also responsible for authorizing and validating the SteamID that someone uses to log in with. Without VAC, anyone with a pirated version of Gmod would be able to access the server: which is obviously not what you want. The reason you will not get a VAC ban is because that part of the VAC system has been disabled. What else would you expect from a game that has clientside injectable modules and Lua code? Yes, even if you receive a VAC ban you will still be able to play Garry's Mod.
  24. How many fucking times to i need to say it, You don't get VAC bans on garrys mod. Other games, probably, but not garrys mod, even though all servers say they are vac secure, they actually arn't unless they are cracked, in which case the shield symbol won't be there. Understand? Comprehende? No VAC bans on garrys mod
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