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Mr. Green Gaming

A Random Hobo

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Everything posted by A Random Hobo

  1. 16:18 - MiDoVic !: hi :) 16:18 - MiDoVic !: Steam Community offers you the chance to win 3 free games by participating in the tournament steam! Please register now www.steamcommunity-gifts.tk ! Don't Forget To say thanks 16:20 - Fallen: hi , what is that? 16:20 - MiDoVic !: U can register ! 16:20 - MiDoVic !: it's a steam tournament 16:21 - Fallen: cool, is there a prize? 16:21 - MiDoVic !: yeah ! 16:21 - MiDoVic !: 3 games : Left 4 deaD; football manager 2009 and counter strike Source 16:22 - Fallen: i registered,here is a video of me playing csss 16:22 - Fallen: http://is.gd/nlqM 16:22 - MiDoVic !: o k ! 16:23 - Fallen: when is the tournament? 16:23 - Fallen: and tell me if you think im good from that video 16:23 - MiDoVic !: There is no Video 16:23 - MiDoVic !: --' 16:23 - Fallen: hahah you cunt 16:24 - Fallen: dont try steal my password MiDoVic ! is now Offline
  2. It looks a little... wrong... I don't know why
  3. Yeah, a random one trys to talk to me every couple of days. They always get the same response ^^
  4. Post your most hilarious encounters with a steam account hacker wannabe. NOTE. MANY LINKS I POST IN HERE ARE TOXIC. THEY LEAD TO NIMP.ORG OF SOME VARIETY. IT IS HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED YOU DO NOT CLICK THESE, AS THEY FUCK OVER YOUR PC. Never tell your password to anyone.15 March 2009 19:19 - [Quakers B-B][MC] Li lTrooper: http://nvidiagames.tk/ 10 free games for 15 days 19:19 -
  5. Shut down spotify and msn, much different picture.
  6. First try (To my "Recomended" server) To the one i know is closer They have my location 500 miles off course
  7. Tesco doughnuts arn't European doughnuts are. (At least in italy)
  8. make sure they match the number of cars
  9. Ah, you had a world cut off on it...
  10. No leaks, i presume?
  11. For the dissapearing buildings, there is probably a skybox/tools texture cutting through it. Type buildcubemaps in the engine to stop props from shining too much.
  12. If i add more than 15 bots my fps drops to 5, even if only one is being rendered from my point. The bots just take alot of power, because it has to calculate 15 players movments rather than just your own, even though they just copy you.
  13. Thats from Killa's zombie survival server roughly a year ago... Permafull... now its empty And yeah, im
  14. It isnt mr.green, but i have to brag. Thats right, i had two triple redeems in one day ^^
  15. blue black, yeah. It goes by the same principle that valve make l4d on. Notice the place you need to go is always well lit? The places you really shouldn't are dark.
  16. Nah, use light lights in human areas, and dark lights in zombie areas, progressivly darker as you get nearer to zombie spawn
  17. Instead of using trigger_pushes to stop humans from going into the zombie spawn, use lighting to un-nerve them before they go in. This makes realism and is quite effective. Colour Theory - Level design Is very effective.
  18. If you remove a secret room, you should delete it entirly, as it increases FPS. Optimisation is as important as the good looks of a map.
  19. Lots of props to beef it up, lamp posts, cars etc... Maybe make a car have crashed into a building or something...
  20. doesnt tug_hut have over 9000 secret rooms, and 50 healthchargers?
  21. It has absolutly no relivance to the films... Kinda confusing... and I havn't played the games much, just a couple of times but not enough to get a hang of what the storyline is.
  22. Works every time, and they wonder what the fuck hit them Perfect for killing people in the "Wintunnel"
  23. I got banned from doormans for "Using hacks to instantly kill 8 people within a minute" or something like that. Propkilled them all on zs_deadhouse_b4 with the lamp :DD
  24. My first map (A year ago) is so shit that skyscraper looks like it decended from heaven.
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