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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Rinkana

  1. Good active (or spamming what you want to call it) member
  2. I updated my post.
  3. Updated.
  4. You would be an awesome admin. You are active and i know you from the good old MTA time when you where also admin
  5. I don't know if i already posted it.
  6. I organized my post and added some more stuff. Better?
  7. like this?
  8. What do you want more to know about me. ?
  9. Gameserver: CSS Surf And MTA Age: 15 Country of origin: Holland Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: About myself: I'm DutchMan my real name is Max and i'm 15 years old. I whas born in a small town and after i whas one i moved to sa smaller town. if im in one of the servers my ping is between 5 and 15. That comes becouse i have internet of 25MB/s and we are gonna upgrade to 30MB/s. Im in my 4th and last year on scool then im going for 2 years ICT if im not good enough im going to Amsterdam an i join the dutch air force. Why i think i can fit in for admin: I play already for a long time on the Mr-green server (about two or three years i think). In my (internet) life i've did things wrong and i learned from my mistake's. But i still think i could be a good admin because i frequently play on the servers and im getting more and more active in the servers. I like to play on the servers. I play already a longe time on the CSS server and also on the (new) MTA server. I hope i can become an (good) admin. For the MTA and the CSS server i hope i can do a good job for the community by stopping those who 'fuck' the fun of the game for others. So thats why i would like to become an admin. Thanks for reading.
  10. Who downloads Anyway, it's just my internet sucks (Alot) Also, I actually live about 300 miles further north than this speedtest says I do, so it's a much bigger distance.. Sorry i cant stop myself from posting my internet speed :')
  11. Gameserver:TF2/CSS Age: 14 Country of origin: Holland Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I'm DutchMan my real name is Max and i'm 14 years old. I play already for a long time on the Mr-green server (about two years i think). In my (internet) life i'd many things wrong and i learned from my mistake's. I still think i could be a good admin because i frequently play on the servers (CSS something less but i could play more if it's necessary) and i still gladly play on the servers.
  12. My ingame name is DutchMan and what do i need to tell more about me? Oh and: Everyone can change
  13. Gameserver: CSS/TF2 Age: 14 Country of origin: Netherlands Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Because i am mutch online and i play very often on the server (ok CSS a little less). I m already playing for a while in both servers and i know many people on the servers.
  14. Lol what a noob.
  15. Netherlands
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