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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Rinkana

  1. 290MB. Not gonna happen. And Deluvas wins a cookie for his correct prediction Holland looks a bit drowned
  2. yay second And grats Kikkers
  3. Can you also upload a backup of the map?
  4. Frostwire/Grooveshark downloader.
  5. Can you make one for me too? Instead of DutchMan make it Rinkana. And something with Crysis2. Thanks in advance
  6. Progress, progress and more progress.....
  7. Progress is made fast: Too bad we dont have colored glass....
  8. .:dubbelpost:. Some progress is made:
  9. This post supports the idea that you lack one important important skill in construction, Called: Planning your buildings. It is planned. But idc that it is too close too your home. I srsly don't see why you are whining about it...
  10. well, it is not. i actually started buildin in the rear. and its already smaller then i actually wanted too. otherwise it would be rigt in front of the house.
  11. I don't see a problem sir. Since its a free world and otherwise you would have builder further away from spawn...
  12. Just started building on my 'i blow kikkers away with my cathedral project' Some first pics: It's something else then the pixelart....
  13. Just started building on my 'i blow kikkers away with my cathedral project' Some first pics: It's something else then the pixelart....
  14. Some more pics:
  15. Let me be the first one to post my 'litte' home
  16. And clavus failed hard with lava xD
  17. When is the server going on? I want to start before i go on holiday
  18. Rinkana

    I'm late...

    Thats what i tought. Who's Pascalle? Weel it actually is Pascale but you know who we are talking about (passie538)
  19. Rinkana

    I'm late...

    Thats what i tought.
  20. @clavus. I am now playing in a server. There you could protect your doors. You can set it to shut after one use so soone gets out. And if you make the chaimber with bedrock noone could get out. So indeed its do-able
  21. well you should be. And let the nice ppl make a forum account. And then they can be whitelisted.
  22. Oh god i miss the day's when Ywa, SummerBase and Kraay where topcrew. Atleast they listen to the community ppl. Since the theft everyone said to unwitelist and then only whitelist the ppl you know. But clavus is too cocky. Thats why i don't play on the servers anymore. Not CSS(i miss the good old RPGMenu) not MC. I might play again if Clavus changes mind. But i doubt that Clavus will.
  23. Does that work normally? I'm trying to just use the official image, but it pretty much failed. I'm now doing it again, hopefully this will work. Also, USB Thumb drives for booting is shit. If you fuck your USB Drive up while trying this, use HP USB Format tool to restore it. Yes you just can use a DVD. They are 99% the same however thease DVD's have a shitload of drivers pre installed. and bootloaders enz are also added.
  24. Rinkana

    Crysis 2

    I also tested it. But my PC hates this demo. When you start in the sub one of the heads is invisible and sends much light out. But before that i had to set my setting to gamer and the lowest res before i could start (800 by ??) And that is annoying gaming if you have a full HD PC monitor.
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